Platinum Membership all of a sudden went Gold?

Oct 31, 1998
Hello, I don't know if this happend after the outage,but I was a platinum member and now I just happen to look and it has me as Gold.Can someone switch it back please.
I used the contact e-mail address and posted here.Can someone look into my problem please.Thanks
Not sure what happened there.
Same happened to me.
I could have sworn I PM'd someone about it, but I guess I didn't...
Howie - your's expired on 5-17. You shouldn't actually be a gold member either.

EDIT: Ah, ok, figured it out - you purchased a gold on 11-2-2004. It was set to expire 11-2-2005. On 5-17-2005, you purchased a platinum, which expired 5-17-2006. You've got 6 months of gold remaining, or I can prorate a platinum for 3 months.
Sorry, I couldn't find a receipt, so I was clueless.
I bought that on my birthday last year.
I'm paid up again.
Thanks for the prompt response, Spark.