Random Knife Giveaways

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
Every so often I have an odd size bar end laying around that`s too small for one of my standard models, so being the frugal (read cheap) guy that I am, I usually grind something out of it, and give it away. No contest, just send it off to someone I feel is deserving of it, and will appreciate it. I`ve done this probably 7-8 times this year. Well I heat treated another one this morning along with my orders for next week, so someone will be getting a free knife in a week or so. ;)
John, you are far too nice.
I like that about you.
That's cool John. I really liked the looks of the last one you posted in the WSS for give away. Sweet little shape on that guy. That same shape would look awesome with red micarta or g10. Be a cool little necker. Keep up the good work!
That is cool John. Now that's direct customer service/care.

You got me hooked. I'm already planning a Kephart from you down the road and after that a setup for my little guy.
That's a really great thing ya do John !

Maybe one of these days we could nominate someone, maybe a friend or relative and state why we think they should get it !
That is cool John. Now that's direct customer service/care.

You got me hooked. I'm already planning a Kephart from you down the road and after that a setup for my little guy.

Your blade was one of those heat treated today. ;)
Another reason why I recomend your work to others.:thumbup:

after that a setup for my little guy.

My little guy (he is ten) loves his JK set. A scaled LDK.With a couple of "freebie" touches by John. Thanks again.:thumbup:

His larger fixed always changes on our hikes. But that little set goes right in his pocket as soon as I pick him up.:)

(He isn't allowed to bring knives from my house to my ex's anymore, he was bringing home a couple every weekend :D )

Thats awsome man. Its not just the knives i see pictured that make me love your work its that every piece you do means something to you. You remember the knives like they were still yours. This kind of generousity just adds to the package you bring as a knifemaker. Keep up the great work.

That is very generous of you to give them away when most would rather attempt to sell their leftovers. Just another reason why I am glad that I finally placed my first order.:thumbup:
Well, I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for your next giveaway. I may not be "deserving", but I'd certainly appreciate it :p
That's good stuff, John. I love to see the giving trait is still alive these days.
That is an unbelievably nice gesture John. I am proud to consider you a friend although we have never met.
I consider it kind of a "pay it forward" kind of thing. I`ve had guys here send me handle wood, an old axe head, a fancy firesteel, an awesome hand forged striker and fire kit, and one of the guys keeps posting pics of a certain knife on another forum that has brought me 4 orders! Plus I`ve gotten some great designs. You guys know who you are, and I thank you all!
This is a very kind thing your doing 'Ol Bud :thumbup: I'm sure who ever gets it will be thankful ;)