Raven visits Glacier

Oct 14, 2002
Greetings all...

I just got back from Glacier...boy is it smokey up there.

The Glocker family spent a week up there hiking, etc.

I toted the Raven on my fanny pack to remote areas...Hidden Lake...Red Rock Falls...etc.

My wife was nice enough to take pics of me and the Raven...I will post them later.

Glocker21 out
Sorry guys...I have been on the road traveling around Montana trying to fix computers for the state after that worm attacked the state system. I just got back this evening and my wife will be picking up the pictures and then I will convert them to digital and post them...

Besides... anticipation is the spice of life...or is it cayenne that is the spice of life.
Got the pics Jerry, Ill get them up as soon as I have a couple extra minutes! That is a great shot at the waterfall and Three Divide Peak in the background.... :)
I am glad you liked the pics...Mary did a great job with her new camera. I got LOTS of odd looks at the Red Rock Falls ...there where lots of granola types up there and when I took the Raven out a couple granola pseudofemales glared at me and asked if I was expecting a war...Mary smiled at them and replied with "No...but he loves me and our children enough to be prepared for virtually anything"

Mary and the kids where proud of me for being able to walk down to Hidden Lake and back...along with the hike to Red Rock Falls after all my knee surgeries. To be honest, I am pleased as punch myself.:)