Saks have changed this game for me.

parkourdude: I am glad that you asked me that question.

I only carry my Tinker Swiss Army knife. I own several other Swiss Army Knives but I only carry my Tinker its a great knife and it has served me well.

To be completely honest with you I love it.
I had an alox bantam, and I let it go down the road. It was a combination of both too thin, and not enough tools. I loved the combo tool for a while, but a fgew times it proved too thin as well, and bent a bit. For hardly any more money and a little thickness that makes for a better grip, the cellidor recruit or the alox cadet is a much more workable pocket knife. The pioneer even better still.

Agreed. :thumbup:
I have a Cellidor Bantam that I got to try out the combi-tool, but it just didn't do it for me. Too much compromise for a bit of thinness. And for me, I didn't like how it worked for me opening cans. I found it awkward and not as efficient. But the standard Vic can opener is amazing; the only can openers I use are the ones on my Vic SAKs. I can open a regular-sized can cleanly in around 15 seconds or under.

I have about 40 SAKs of various sizes and vintages. I carry my Rescue Tool most. It's a bit big,but I've not had any more useful item. I haven't tried an Alox Pioneer... thanks for starting this thread.
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What I do is to carry my SAK along with a modern folder, so I don't have to choose!
Tomorrow my wife and i are going to southern Ontario (Canadian Thanksgiving weekend), and I'm bringing my Wenger SI and the alox Classic. (Oh, and a Kauhava-made stacked-leather puukko.) I generally like campers and find them useful. I suppose I could bring my Ulster or Imperial scout knife, but the SI will do.

I like the camper tools, even if the assortment could be updated. With respect to Pinnah's suggestion about some kind of modernized camper with a different assortment, that would be interesting to see. But I'm not sure what blade I'd swap out for what. And then you get into specifics of which blade/tool is on which spring, and how many layers is this dude going to have...?


Main blade spear & Cap lifter/standard screw driver remain unchanged.

Awl (long and thin) gets replaced with folding scissors.

Can opener gets replaced with combination 2 prong phillips head driver (a la the Micra), diamond file and scraper (non-rounded edges).

For the last tool, imagine the nail file on a Micra with flatter edges, diamond file surface and the phillips head driver instead of the nail cleaner end.

That's a standard 4 blade, 2 layer tool.
I edc a black alox cadet which isn't so black anymore and an emerson mini commander almost all the time. It's funny because while I would like to use my commander more I almost always grab the cadet. Slices accurately, pries nicely, and pops beer bottles great. There is a guy on here that makes custom ones that I've been eyeballing for some time.
I've owned various SAK's for about 20 years. Almost all of them Victorinox Cellidor models (I think one Wenger snuck in there) and they were the only knives I carried or wanted. After I discovered modern folders the SAK's were put in a drawer, with the exception of the Classic SD on my keys (that will always be there). Over time I gave most of them away except for a Spartan Lite that I got as a gift from my Dad and a Super Tinker, but even those two resided in my cars. It's not that they weren't great, but a little too bulky to carry. Last week I came across a thread here on Alox models. I'm not sure why I never had an Alox before, maybe it was because they lacked some of my favorite tools...the scissors, tweezers, and toothpick. I decided to try out a silver Alox Cadet, and man am I glad I did. I'm hooked, and I'm kicking myself for not getting one of these sooner. So thin, so light, so useful. And what a beautiful knife. I don't think it will kick the folders out of my pocket completely, but it's riding shotgun from here on out. In fact, I'd say the folders are riding shotgun because the Cadet will always be on me where the folder may not. And my Spyderco Ladybug that I used for my office knife? Sorry little guy, you're fired. As far as the lack of scissors, tweezers, and toothpick? Well, that's where the Classic SD comes in. It's only been a few days, but the Cadet is one of my favorite knives regardless of cost. I just sold a Spyderco that I had a duplicate of to fund more Alox. :) Thanks to the fine folks here on this forum for showing me what I've been missing my whole life.

...and yet another victim falls prey to the lecherous AloxPox.:thumbup:

Al, I hate to mention it, but is it possible there is another cult that has gone under the radar for a long time? You know, one with a undeniable pull, and is addictive to boot?:D
I have the aloxpox too... Add this to my Opinelitis, and i find myself not wanting to buy anything else.

The steels are not exotic but they do their job flawlessly, and the f&f is more reliable than established brands like spyderco.

Imo the secret is hardly a secret, it's just that they keep the production local.
Is it because of the lack of tools or the thin size?

A little of both. Mainly the blade is smaller and very thin compared to the Pioneer and Farmer.

I do like it and plan to hang onto it for carry while wearing dress clothes but it will never be a primary carry knife for me.

I had never seen a Bantam in person when I ordered it. Looking at pictures online I just had a different expectation of the knife until it arrived.
I'm new also, having discovered Alox when I was gifted an orange Farmer about 2 months ago - instant love!!

For me it's a toss-up which I love more - the Farmer or the Pioneer. They're both outstanding. :)
I'm new also, having discovered Alox when I was gifted an orange Farmer about 2 months ago - instant love!!

For me it's a toss-up which I love more - the Farmer or the Pioneer. They're both outstanding. :)

You have to get a Rancher , it is my favorite one of them all , also the Electrician is good , as is the Pruner , as is the ..............
Oh man who am I kidding , I'm addicted , Just like you I've tasted the alluring spice of Alox and now my destiny has been determined and mapped out for me .
Such is life :)

Most of the time I have a modern folder paired with a cadet. On days when I'm in the office I leave the modern folder behind.