Sandvik 13C26 Steel

Oct 22, 2002
Please give me your thoughts on the Sandvik 13C26 steel. I have been thinking of getting a Mini Cyclone but I know nothing about this steel.
Thanks in advance.
I think this is what the old next generation Ka-Bars were made with. I have had great success with this steel if it is the same stuff. Sharpens fairly easy, holds a decent edge, and gets sharp as hell.
It is one of my favorite stainless steels. I really have grown to like both the Sandvik 12C27 and 13C26 steels a lot in the time I've been playing with both.

The 13C26 strops quite well based on my own knives and seems to be a pretty stable edge even when its thin and steep and even in some difficult materials under load and lateral forces. I've been real happy with it. The JYDII is one the best knives I've used so far in it but give em time. They'll beat it out over time I'm sure, especially at the rate they are pleasing end line users.
