Say Goodbye to Danelle (djo62)

Apr 27, 1999
Danelle O'Shea has moved on from Spyderco without our having a chance to say goodbye (and hurry back). Please join here and say goodbye and thank you to her. She has really impressed me with her service to this forum and Spyderco customers. I hope we hear from her on the forum in the future.

God speed, djo.

-sniff, sniff-

And she was just getting us housebroken, dang nabbit.


Is that thing shar...OW!
Danelle, No need to say goodbye! You're still a Bladeforums member and I hope you'll still hang out with us from time to time. I do wish you luck in any and all of your future pursuits. Your expertise will be missed.

Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is

I'm sorry to hear of this. You greatly helped in keeping us informed in a timely and fun manner. I hope you find a new job with no problem, and continue to maintain your presence here. I think we would all miss that greatly.

Good luck,
JP Bullivant
We care about you Danelle...please continue to participate. Good Luck in all you do...
Mark/Excalibur is right. Danelle isn't leaving here - she is still a member, and I am sure she will still post
. If you read this Danelle, you BETTER post, and keep in touch

Ray 'md2020'
Bye, Danelle.. We will miss you. Hope to see you back in action real soon...

Seems like only last week we were having dinner together

Beth and I will find a way to come back, so you must go out with us again (and this time, let us pay!) Dan and I still have much to discuss, too

Please stay on Bladeforums. You've become a knife celebrity!

Danelle will be missed by all of us that she helped with her superb brand of customer service.

Harvey Wareham

Live Long & Prosper, so you can buy more knives :D

Never had the pleasure to deal with her but from what I read on this forum she was tops! Good luck Danelle.
Well, Danelle, I have a feeling you'll be successful in all future ventures. Hopefully your split with Spyderco was on mutually friendly terms, and I would like to thank you for bringing a high standard of class and civility to this and the other forums. Hope to hear from you soon! Also, if you decide to start your own knife company, you have plenty of people to help out. Corduroy could design and grind blades, I could make sheaths, you could head up the thinking aspects of the business...

My Custom Kydex Sheath page
Palmer College of Chiropractic
On Two Wheels
I REFUSE to say goodbye. We NEED to have you on these forums, even if you are not connected to Spyderco anymore!

And now I must go find a hankie and cuddle up in the office's corner!... DARN!!!! Please EMAIL me if you get the chance...

At least NOW you've got time to visit?
Danelle, you are the greatest. Please don't be a stanger. Danelle, my self, as many others here on the forum are looking forward to your future posts. Take care and God bless.
Chris, Top of Texas Knives


[This message has been edited by ToTKnives (edited 08 September 1999).]
I can only echo what my fellow members have said. I have not logged in since Sunday and look what happened, I'm dumbfounded
Good luck, Danelle! You will be missed.

Clay Fleischer
AKTI Member A000847

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --Douglas Adams
Guess I am out of touch.
Well, good luck and perhaps we will see you around....
Take care, you will be missed.

"Worst of all my foes, I fear the enemy within"
*John Wesley*

Romans 10:9-10

"Military" Fans Unite!!


Your presence in these forums should not end because of your departure from Spyderco.

You did a great job as a customer service rep. for Spyderco and I for one really appreciate the several times you went out of your way to help me out.

Good Luck in whatever the future holds!!

C.O.'s-"It takes balls to work behind the walls "