Scabbard or Sheath?

If all that determines whether it is a scabbard or sheath is whether it goes to a knife or a sword then the Question "When does a knife become a sword?" becomes all important and not a question to be ignored. It adds so much complexity to the matter that it then becomes nearly impossible to figure out to any degree of real certainty. But if a sheath is a sheath because of it's features. And a scabbard is a scabbard because of it's features. and while these may make them better for a knife or sword, it doesn't make them exclusive to those. Then it becomes a lot easier.
Awww :( okay my bad for failing to search for the most appropriate place to post the thread. But if it were about a specific knife. Wouldn't it have just been sorted into a manufacturers forum likely? I mean "General Discussion" is kind of useless if it's main purpose is to be sorting forum for everything that is not "post a picture of your knife along side ___". I mean you could just have a themed pictures forum and not have a general discussion at all :p I kind of think the best and highest use of a "General Discussion" is as one stop for any topic (that would belong on a blade forum in general) of interest. And that sub-forums best and highest use is for archiving said threads after they have had the majority of discussion they will see on them. That's just my opinion though. It is of course your prerogative to sort as you see fit. Not trying to argue with your decision. Just wondering if another approach has been considered or not. And using the opportunity to give a little feedback on the current approach.

You missed a's General KNIFE Discussion and Rev's decision to move this thread was the correct one.
Helleri said:
I kind of think the best and highest use of a "General Discussion" is as one stop for any topic (that would belong on a blade forum in general) of interest. And that sub-forums best and highest use is for archiving said threads after they have had the majority of discussion they will see on them.

If we did that, no General Knife Discussion topic would last an hour on the first page. No easy way to browse for a specific topic there, either.

Where would we get the crew of moderators to decide when a thread should be archived and where? Once the discussion was over, who would care?

In fact, by pre-archiving them, and allowing the discussion to take place in the specific-topic forum where they would remain, we avoid all this extra work.