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Bad Scammer Alert Jonakee Reynolds (David Freeman) Dmitry Sinkevich Carcass #02

Mom's name is Malabika Reynolds, phone number is: 505-583-2238. father is Robert Reynolds, who is apparently a semi-well known artist.

how did you know the father is an artist? link didnt say much?

if so guess the apple did fall far from the tree.

this kid is in way over his head and has no idea. maybe some one should contact his parents assuming they are good people and have them beat him straight and return items before this kid ruins his life.
It's going to be gratifying when they finally do catch the little bastard and 5 different people press charges against him.

Maybe he'll try to scam someone out of their shiv in prison.. Don't think that'll end too well.
how did you know the father is an artist? link didnt say much?

if so guess the apple did fall far from the tree.

this kid is in way over his head and has no idea. maybe some one should contact his parents assuming they are good people and have them beat him straight and return items before this kid ruins his life.


He probably met the wife, Malabika, in India while he was there.
I would say it is worth a shot. Tell the P.O. what's going on. You could also contact the postal inspectors office. Using a P.O. box to recieve items through deception is also a felony.
They know what is going on I spoke the the supervisor that is handling that specific post office branch, there was many complaints they know ! They just don't care. You can't even get address for that po box even with the police report, to file charges.
Most people are afraid to get involved, art gallery owners and neighbors won't help. Postal workers feel that they are underpaid and overworked, and all the above are afraid of gang retaliation.
Local police are always under financial pressure, and may chose to use their budget on only high profile cases, like homicides, that probably tap into extra state funding. Real life is not like TV, where there are heroic dedicated police with unlimited financial resources.
Unfortunately the USA is a lot like Brazil, you need to have money to get your problems solved, and thieves are so successful, because most people choose to cut their losses, and avoid spending more.
Physical Address: 80-C Servilleta Plaza (HWY 341) La Madera NM. It's so remote they all use PO Box's for mail.

Well Done! Your google-fu beat mine. All I kept getting was the physical address of the post office where their box is located- this one you found is different so I assume it's the correct one. There are going to be some roadblocks for anyone trying to get this punk, one being that he's apparently a good student, active in community and school activities. Mom & Dad are likely active too. Folks in their community are going to want to take "their side" from the get-go, so this needs to be fully documented - texts, tweets, any and all messages, complaints to the Post Office, any insurance claims filed --and insurance companies could be one way to get something done if a claim was filed and THEY get given this info. The local law is going to want to either flat out give him a pass or will likely drag their heels until forced into doing something, although the local District Attorney may have a different take on the matter.

Jonakee, I figure you're reading this, because you're the kind that wants to think you're smart and to show people being mad to your little pals for laughs, but kid..this is getting to the point that the ball is gonna start rolling back towards YOU. If you're on here, now would be a good time to man up and say something and to make arrangements to start fixing this. Once charges are filed attorney fees are gonna cost Mom and Dad a lot more than the price of the knives. If you're over 18, you're an adult- meaning a felony NEVER goes away, it will hound you FOR LIFE. Every good job you apply to- they'll see this. Probably most decent companies do a google search anyway and your name is already on there as a scammer. Are some nice knives or spending money worth working at a burger joint or as a dishwasher for the rest of your life?
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