Schatt & Morgan Ebony #99 GAW!

Sep 29, 2015
We're back again with another Blade Forums member sponsored giveaway on JimboTV! This time it's Skivic who has put up this incredible Shatt & Morgan #99 in Ebony! An absolutely gorgeous piece. This one will run until Friday, so comment "I'm in" ON THE VIDEO PAGE, NOT HERE ON BLADEFORUMS. Feel free to leave a comment here thanking Alex though :)
Hey guys, quick update. Sorry I was unable to draw a winner on Friday. I've been dealing with some major projects going on at my new place and a friend from back home dropping by. Sometimes life takes priority unfortunately! Good thing is Ive seen a couple extra entries after the time I was going to draw, so consider this an unofficial extension of the deadline! FOR SURE drawing a winner tonight, and posting a few other things, so stay tuned to JimboTV! And again, a huge thanks to Alex for the chance to give away this awesome S&M #99!
I saw the giveaway results on your YouTube channel. Your inbox is full.