SD equipment on the job

"No Violent Felon should be able to own a firearm or vote. What liberal crap is this"

That "liberal crap" has been going on for a hundred years. Franly, there are so many laws in NY state that can turn you into a felon without you knowing it. NY is not Texas. I am not advocating rapists and murders having firearms and I'm sure that would not happen. If someone has been a decent citizen for fifteen years and wants to go deer hunting, I don't have a problem with it. YOu are blessed with a free state. Some of us are not. Remember, if you carry a pistol in NY state without a permit to carry it is a felony. If you do it without a permit in say Arizona it is a small fine. You come from a different place than has the good conduct law. i think its quite great. I would love for a convicted felon like G.Gordon Liddy to have his firearms back. He has broken no laws in thirty years! Firearms rights are inalienable like free speech.
No law can turn you into a felon without you knowing it. If you are arrested on suspicion of a felonious act and are charged with a felony you will go to court. If you are convicted you will surely know you have been judged guilty of a felony.

As far as pizza drivers making laws, it might help, it might now. You can't tell what will happen, only judged based on past experiences. One problem I can see that might occur is that pizza delivery drivers are low paying jobs. People with low paying jobs tend to be democratic. Democrats tend to want to legislate everything and take rights away from people in the name of the common good. This is obviously a generalization, but it is true for the majority of democrats. So, while a governing body of pizza delivery dudes might give more weapons freedoms, it is likely to come at the expense of other freedoms.
I did say violent felon, I understand what you are saying. I have traveled enough to see laws enforced that I could not live with.
No law can turn you into a felon without you knowing it. If you are arrested on suspicion of a felonious act and are charged with a felony you will go to court. If you are convicted you will surely know you have been judged guilty of a felony

You know what I meant. For example, the law in NYC says four inches on a knife. I would take that to mean that anything OVER four inches is a felony. In reality 3.9 is ok but four isn't. In New York you can't beat a jury on weapons charge anymore. People carrying guns for protection are given no ground. Bernhard Goetz was justified in dfending himself but still went to prison for having an unlicensed, unregistered handgun in NYC! Felony! I like that Arizona only has a fine for a misdemeanor (carrying a handgun). NYC does not allow people to protect themselves. As much as I love it here I hate it for reasons like that.
Francis, you are not illustrating your point though. You name two laws that you know and are known. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If you are unsure, the onus is on you to check the law. Whether you want to follow a law or not, you are responsible to know what the law is. When in doubt, check with a lawyer. can't afford a lawyer? Play it safe. At least it is possible to obtain a CCW permit in New York. In Missouri it is not an option (although it is currently in the state government, but the Gov. has promised to veto it if it passes.). Point is you can't let someone off for not knowing the law. If you would let someone off for saying they didn't know that knuckles were illegal, what is to stop someone from claiming not to know that anything is illegal.
Originally posted by Leo Daher
I've seen plastic devices being suggested as self-protection alternatives for those who believe there's nothing more important than following the laws, no matter how unreasonable they may be.
Well, guess what? Those "socially acceptable" tools are being outlawed as well! In California, they're ammending state legislation to include plastic impact weapons; in Australia (or at least parts of the country), it's already illegal to carry a Kubotan!
The political forces behind those laws are not after "ugly-looking" guns and knives only; they're opposed to the very idea of self-defense. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not about to give up the natural right to protect myself and my loved ones. I know there's a risk that comes with that decision, but so be it.

You are right. In New York, the sai that is for soil work is illegal as a martial arts weapon. So are nunchucks (sic). NY wants no one to abe able to defend themselves. It was a fight to get OC legalized here! NYC= Defenselessness