Sebenza for CQC?

Sep 19, 2002
Hello all! I looking for a new carry knife and have narrowed it down to three knives. A microtech, a emerson large commander and a sebenza. I have never even seen a sebenza in person, they don't carry them very much at the gun shows here in Austin I guess, so this will be the sight unseen buy. The reason it is on my list is that it seems that people consider this the best folder bar none. I have been taking Escrima for two years now, so this would also be a defense knife, and I'm wonder how it would stack up next to a microtech or an Emerson in that arena.

Also, how do those three knives stack up in general comparisons?


PS, if anyone knows where I can see these in Austin, please let me know!
Nothing says that you can't.

When I was active. . .

I carried a Microtech SOCOM DA or Microtech LCC DA for CQC/auto-folder. I carried a large Sebbie for as my "utility folder."

Now that I'm out of the business. . .I still carry a Microtech SOCOM DA, Microtech LCC DA and large Sebbie. They just don't have the cute little titles anymore. ;)

Life is always good !
I think widely held view is Sebenza is excellent no nonsense work horse, "right up there" with best, however it is not optimal for self defense/CQC type usage. It opens very smmoothly but it is not the fastest draw, also does not have significant gaurd to keep your fingers from "ramping up" on the blade in case you hit some thing hard while stabbing (bone, belt buckle, etc).
I think you can count on the Sebenza to "get the job done," however keep in mind it was not really design with this kind of usage as primary usage.
MT and Emerson Cmmander definitely more designed for this defensive/combative purpose...........
Of course knifes designed for combative/self defense purposes, I cannot think of any off hand which are as good as Sebenza as hard working knife........
There is a "trade off" as with all things-
My small Seb has been my primary LPU (life preservation unit) since last November. No matter what else may be toted, be it a PPK or simply a fixed blade, they only serve to compliment the small Seb. It is always there, and is in essence the bare minimum of what I'll be toting at any given moment, with the exception now of airline flights.

The large Seb would probably be a better choice, but either way, I'd recommend double thumb lugs. It makes no sense to me to have a one-handed knife that can only be deployed with one hand. Add a swedge and you've really tac'd out what was a folder aimed more at utility.

The fact of the matter is that the simplicity and low-to-no failure rate associated with the Seb design lends it to being one of the few things I feel I can truly count on. If only CRK made people...

I've owned a large plain Sebenza (with double thumblugs and bead blasted screws) for about 18 months. During that time I also owned a Microtech (manual SOCOM Elite, I don't have a use for autos). For CQB, I'd trust my Sebenza before I would have trusted that MT, which I sold recently. BTW, I sent you an email with more on this...
I think if your primary objective is a Sebbie for self defense, I'd go with a large Classic 2000. Though Chris never intended his Sebenza line to act as fighting tools, the large classic by its eronomics says otherwise. A great defense implement IMO!:)
The large Sebenza would be OK, but it won't lock into your hand like the Emerson Commander or like a Benchmade AFCK 806D2 would. Also, it will be slower to open than either of those. For those reasons, I would not pick the Sebenza for your use. It's a tremendous knife, but for tactical use either of these other two would be better.

Thanks for your help fellas, after alot of thinking......I've decided on just getting two knives. A sebenza for regular use, and a strider AR for defense. I might as well just get the best of both worlds! I'm a knife addict, what can I say? (and why did it take me so long to find Bladeforums?):D
hello from Austin... I got my sebenza from a local (austin) dealer at the monthly gun show. His name is Allen Yoast. I got his info from Bridget at CRK. He no longer goes to the show in Austin, but I believe he still deals w/ CRK. He is a GREAT guy. I DONT have his number anymore, but Bridget would be happy to get it for you I'm sure. It makes a BIG difference when the sebby is is yer hand. I HAD to have THAT ONE. He had all four but I liked the small reg best. Last time I saw him he had 2 mnandis. I went home, grabbed a 'lil Taurus .22, hocked it fer $200 at the show and choaked up the rest and it went home with me that day. So If you see Allen, bring $$$. NOW... I KNOW that if been to the Austin gun show you COULD NOT HAVE MISSED the "TOY" booth. I forgot his exact business' name but he used to have a sign wit hthe word TOY on it. He has the booth RIGHT in the middle in the back set of rows. He only sells knives and has a BUNCH of GREAT knives at GREAT prices. This past show, he traded me a surefire E2 and a "frogtool" for my slightly used Microtech m-Socom. Upon ths transaction he gave me a mew business card with the phrase "DOGGONED GOOD DEALS" I guess this is what he's calling his 'lil business. ANYHOO he is a CRK dealer. his # (in HOuston) is (toll free)
877-784-4364. GREAT GUY. Hope this helps...
I'm glad to see you nixed those other two knives from your list of choices, they are not "up there" as said earlier. :D You will not be disappointed. If it's sharp (and the Sebenza always is) and it won't fold on your fingers (the Sebenza never will), it will suit your needs perfectly. Good on ya! Leo G.
I'd say that any Microtech is "up there." I think it's all a matter of preference. What you like and what you need it for. If you wanna stab folks in the belt buckle I WOULD recommend a MT or EE. But if yer gonna do it more than once it's crkt for you! I just sold my MT, a mini-socom... only things not suitable for me were the Kraton, Aluminum and the size/design. I like to think it will last and last and last. Goodbye Kraton. Titanium titanium titanium. titanium. Goodbye Aluminum. I like a beefier handle, but the LCC is tooooooo big for my needs as is the Socom(Elite). However the handle REALLY fit in the hand great with the thumb on the ramp. Fit and finish equal to CRK. 154cm is excellent & *very* sharpenable and stays sharp. I didd'nt like the matte beadblast ti/ni finish. It seemed to casue unnecessary friction, hendering cutting ability. Emerson is almost as good, being very very good, especially considering that I heard the word Benchmade. woah.
Archie. Been to the shows, I'll call him up and have him bring some knives to the next show....Thanks for the heads up. Mr. Little, thanks for bring the Strider to my my attention. And thanks to everyone....this is a great board - ya'll made me feel right at home.

Originally posted by LAG3
I'm glad to see you nixed those other two knives from your list of choices, they are not "up there" as said earlier. :D You will not be disappointed. If it's sharp (and the Sebenza always is) and it won't fold on your fingers (the Sebenza never will), it will suit your needs perfectly. Good on ya! Leo G.

Did he not mention he wanted a knife for Self Defense?? I would take my Emerson Mini Commander over the Sebenza for SD anyday. I challenge you to find a knife that is quicker to the fight and specifically designed to be a combat knife. Also, the handle design of the Mini Commander is excellent at keeping your fingers in place, unlike the Sebenza. Not to mention the knife in the closed position works as a great impact weapon with the pointed butt sticking out in the hammer fist position. And you specifically state If it's sharp (and the Sebenza always is) and it won't fold on your fingers (the Sebenza never will), it will suit your needs perfectly Well then, why are you saying the MT and Emerson won't meet his needs. My Mini Commander shaves hair off my arm, and I have yet to get it to fail on me. So why would it not suit his needs? The only thing my Commander isn't "up there" in is the price. More doesn't always mean better. Just remember what the Sebenza was designed to do. Combat isn't it.


don't forget that the Commander comes in 3 sizes, and also there's the PSARK--wicked and superfast, especially from the right rear pocket. ZOOM ZOOM to the max. quicker than any auto out there.
This is a weird thread for this forum.

A long time ago in this forum, I posted something about the Sebenza. At the time, I owned a Microtech SOCOM Elite (manual, I have no use for autos), a Benchmade Stryker, and a Sebenza (large plain with double thumblugs and beadblasted screws). BTW, I sold the MT a few months ago. I still own the Sebenza.

Anyway, I said in my post that I'd trust my Sebenza more than my MT in bad conditions. Drop a Sebenza and a MA SOCOM in thick mud. Now, attempt to open both. Which would I trust my life with, at that point? The Sebenza. A good frame lock is just plain dependable. The Sebenza is one of the most reliable folders in the world.

BTW, my favorite folder is the Strider AR, which I carry every day, all day long. Guess what? Although it's called a liner lock, it's actually a frame lock with G10 scales.

All this is a mute point since Wilco has made his decision, I suppose. FWIW, IMHO, the ultimate CQB knife is a good fixed blade anyway. In the last 2 months I've bought 2, a Strider DB and a BT-SS...

Like I said, this is a weird thread for this forum.