shipping question...


Mar 21, 2005

What do you prefer USPS (post office) shipment (Priority or First class)

or UPS?

Which one you think works better?
USPS works best for me if I don't want a knife sitting on the porch all day. Although I had a kukuri come form England today and the USPS left it on the porch.:confused: I was home and just happened to walk out the front door to see if the mail had come yet and there it was. Never even rang the bell.:mad:
USPS Priority....ALL THE WAY!

UPS refuses delivery to my house because I live on a corner and my address is one street and my mailbox is on the other and they say it is a "discrepancy" so I have to pick stuff up from them.

Plus I leave give my mailman Christmas gifts, so he usually will make 2 trips by my house if I am not home to sign for a package.

Plus UPS hires damn criminals during the Holidays...too many packages busted open!

So far we were using USPS Priority for 99%.

From now on - 100% :)
what about personal delivery? :) I will charge you $1 for Kukuri and $700 for delivery ;) deal?