SnG Comparison Pic Request???

Jun 21, 2001
Really interested in the SnG. Now that a few are out and about, can anybody post a pic of one next to an Emerson MiniCommander or a large Sebenza (or both if you got'em)?

I am still trying to get an idea of the size of the SnG (varying measurements out there). Would like to see how the width of the blade and handle compare to the MiniC and Sebenza?

Matt...awesome thanks. Those pics give me a great perspective on the size of the SnG. Looks like the handle is right at the same length of the Sebenza

Now..if I could only get one next to a MiniCommander, that would be perfect.

Thanks again...JT
ooh, matt's got the hookup.

I need a comparison pic between an sng and karen mcdougal, dec 1997 playmate of the month.