Some Buck 112 Love

I always liked the small pins Buck used on the early ones. Square frames lasted a long time in part because radiusing was another step in production but customers preferred them radiused. I think the square frame makes a very slightly better grip with hard use but it is very little. Same with jimping on top of the blade. The edge is slightly different on the first ones too. Like the 110 the 112 has evolved over the years with very small changes here and there. I notice a lot of differences in finger grooves with some deep and others barley bumps.
Thought I'd post the photo of today's carry.
Then a few comparison of it and a four dot, finger groove...



Decided to clean this up this AM. Coffee with a whiff of Brasso? You bet!



(Mods, I hope this isn't a "necro-thread" violation 😮)
Hey, pjsjr pjsjr , I was cruising the 112 threads to see where to post this and I found a 112 from this same period (a '91, while mine is a '93) that supposedly had 425M steel. Is that what this is, do you think? I know nothing about 425. I'll have to read up on it.
