Some random action shots (just 'cuz)

You can try to make your own by sticking carbide cutter inserts on a standard filing jig.

In Japanese it is 直美 (I wonder if this site can display Japanese characters). One way of interpreting it would be "simple beauty". A very appropriate name in this case. Glad to have you with us young lady. Take care of that knifemaker of yours.

Take care,


Thank you very much HaveRuck-WillTravel! I am afraid thought that this thread has been too much about me lately and not about Nick's amazing progress on his knive and what everyone can learn from that! I am a real person and if no one else believes that but him I really dont care! I will however, add some pics of myself if that will make you guys lay off him a little bit!!!! If this thing will let me that is!!!!!!!! I thank you all for all the nice comments... who knew joining a page like this would make me so many new friends :p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much love,
I don't think anyone doubts that Nick can't get a girl as special as Naomi.... I hope I did not come too late for that hug!!
Come on Nick! We need a pic fix. I know life is hectic with work, blades, gym and all the love making going on. I just don't know how you accomplish it all.

Well, I am inspired to learn forging because chicks dig guys with huge anvils!

Keithcellini -

You're Never too late for a hug **** HUG*****
Well... Is this all over ? I wish i could see the knife finished... please... !

Thanks !

I know your a busy ma.... person and all, but if you don't post a pic of that finished
blade!!! I may have to educate Naomi in the art of teasing!!
Sup to you?
Nah, He's probably just trying to figure out whether to put the price tag over the crack in the handle or the cold shut in the blade. :p
Hey Nick!

How many guys with ADD does it take to change a lightbulb?
-wanna go for a bike-ride?
-Hey look! A horsey!
-ooooh, that's shiny...!


FOCUS, you goofball!!!! YOU started this, ya can't just leave us hangin'!

Jes' teasin' ya, pal-

Hope you're doing alright, bro!