Stat Sharp

Oct 5, 1998
Anyone use this on a regular basis? How easy is it to use and are the results good?


The Stat Sharp's secret isn't in the sharpeners themselves, but the carry a couple of words, it's a self contained sharpening system! The sharpening cards themselves work as well as any other diamond sharpener, but you have to use them carefully to avoid Sliced Finger Syndrome while using them, just because of their size and flatness. The real joy of it is having everything together in one neat package, including the green Scotch-Brite pad, which is VERY handy to use if you take your knives to the field. The pad takes off surface rust, removes scratches, etc. In a pinch, I've used the pad to clean the steel dust out of the hones themselves. I anchor the cord onto a backpack strap, and just drop it down into a pocket or the top of my pack, a sure way of not loosing it. It's also a convenient place to carry my Credit Card blade, although the surface of it takes a beating rubbing against the pad or stray diamond dust. I just find the whole setup very convenient to carry, and if a sharpener is convenient, you're more tempted to use it, thus resulting in a sharper knife

Take care,
John Johnson
And not only that, the Stat-Sharp Pouch makes a great hide-out wallet for extra cash. Throw them a wallet with junk in it and a few 1 Dollar Bills, keep the good stuff for yourself.