Sticking up for Nick Wheeler

I've spent no time on the forums since our move so I have no idea what happened or why this thread is even here. But here it is and seeing Nick's name in the title I had to read through it.

I'm a big nobody in the world of knife making. I'll just get that out of the way so people can stop reading now if they should chose to. I've completed right around 40 knives to date and spent a total of zero hours in any other knife makers shop. I like to think I'm self taught, but that would be a lie. I'm Blade Forums taught and more specifically, Nick Wheeler taught. I've spent hours reading and then rereading Nick's posts and WIP threads. Nick is a gift. He gives the most anyone in the entire world can give. He gives himself and he gives his knowledge.

I guess I don't have a point because I don't know what got us here. If there is a point to this, it's that there are people here that look up to you and understand how much of yourself that you've given to the forums and the knife making community. I have crazy amounts of respect for you!
Something is just different lately. I don't know how much of it is me, how much of it is the actual forum/posts, or how much of it is simply the incomprehensible craziness that has been going on in our country/world lately. But something is definitely different.

I feel that something has changed in ST too Nick, and its the reason that I stopped hanging out in ST. Before there seemed to be a real close camaraderie, the more experience members were willing to give advise and help when ever it was needed, and the new/less experienced members seemed to be more appreciative of the advise and help. Now it feels tense in here and not as inviting:(

I still browse ST every other day or so, but rarely post because of the vibe. If for some reason you decide to not come back, I would just like to take this time to thank you for all the advise you have offered us. I know much of what you have said about knife making will be stuck with me for the rest of my life. Just like the lessons my English professor burned into my head about alot and a lot thanks to the guy that sat beside me and couldn't get it:rolleyes:
Nick is that the real secret behind your hamons?!? Not hot lemon juice but nick wheeler tears!!! If so where can I buy some lol!! Nick you and a few others WIP have been my online text books. While never having met you I owe you for the time and effort you made to share with us all. Just like a classroom you can't please everyone and you will have some a holes in those classes but the majority appreciate your effort. In a way you are a lot of us makers mentor without ever even directly meeting us or talking to us. I hope you come back soon but only you know what is best for you!!
Much respect, Nick. Thanks for all you've done. We'll keep the light on for you.

P.S. If this in some way leads to you going for your MS, it's a good thing. I want to see you back with "Nick Wheeler, M.S." in your sig, all right?
Do what you need to; you will be sorely missed.

I'm a random lurking non-knifemaker, but I've enjoyed all your contributions over the years. I hope you return. Though we've never interacted, I can tell you're one hell of a decent human being, and your work is outstanding. Please do come back.
I don't have the gift of words as the others, but would like to simply say THANK YOU, you give without asking anything in return, a most honorable (albeit nearly extinct) trait, without your help I'd still just be hammering shapes without a clue as to where to hit, when to hit it, how much to hit it ... or how to test the ht, or how to finish, or well you get the idea, again take care I hope to meet you someday at a show.

PS: I deal with the public every single day, Just remember that it's far easier, FAR easier for people to be NEGATIVE, don't let them get ya...
Like everybody has said, don't stay away. I am more of a lurker here than anything else. But your posts have taught me a lot! I also enjoyed your writing style!:)
Thank you for helping me and everybody else by sharing your knowledge!
Best of luck!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!
Don't know what's happened, but you shouldn't be paying attention to every single post that is made.

I really value your willingness to share your knowledge and experience and hope you stick around. You say ShopTalk ain't the same, well it definitely won't be now. I think for every negative response you see, there thousands of grateful thoughts that aren't posted because there would be 50 pages of thank you's.

Cheers and have a happy holiday!
Nick, I have been a member of this forum longer than most. I have really appreciated your posts and WIP's.
I wish you would stay.
You have established yourself as a talented knifemaker. When you post, those with any sense listen.
There are those who are free with their advise and opinions, who have never posted a picture of any knife they have ever made.
There are those who hide behind a user name instead of their real name.
Ignore the jerks and stay!
Don't blame shop talk. A lot of folks are finding the internet tiring. It use to take credentials and intelligence to publish something, or log into an IRC client. Now any 15 year old can do it with his first phone.

I'm not sure I can relate, but I understand the reasoning.
Don't blame shop talk. A lot of folks are finding the internet tiring. It use to take credentials and intelligence to publish something, or log into an IRC client. Now any 15 year old can do it with his first phone.

I'm not sure I can relate, but I understand the reasoning.

I think you're being generous assuming a 15 year old is on his first phone.

I'm seeing 10 YO's with smart phones.

It's a bir ironic though that the phone may be smart, but the user has no guarantees.
Your doing what is best for you but don't be a stranger to the Custom forum. Post pics of knives from time to time so we can keep up with what you are working on and continue to watch you progress as a maker.

I agree with your thoughts about something being different on the forums. There are a lot of new makers who post WIP and ask a lot of questions that could be answered using a search. It seems like that they are taking the fast track to making knives which is not always the best way.
They have not paid their dues, you have! Keep up the great work and see you at blade!
Too bad Nick, a few years ago I had some contact with a very disillusioned old maker from Texas who was clearly jaded by life and a lot of other things, including the "heat and beat bunch", as he put it. He said that the one man he felt affection for and respected was one young man Nick Wheeler who told it like it is and who clearly cared about other makers.
I personally traded a couple of posts with you and could feel your energy and cheeky confidence, which is not a bad thing, some people have an overinflated ego and spew BS with the hope that it will fool others, the fact is that when all you have is smoke and mirrors, when you remove the mirrors then all you left is smoke and the fraud is revealed, I never had that impression of you Mr. Wheeler. I saved a number of your posts in which you very unselfishly shared an absolute wealth of knowledge that most people would never share because in this business a lot of folks would prefer to keep their secrets, and understandably so. You and many of the other, older makers have however always boggled my mind in the way that you have been so willing to share, same as the moderators who take so much time to serve and do their job of patrolling these forums, I always marvel at their selflessness because it must be very time consuming.
So Nick, you have to do what you have to do....and if you are not being appreciated and respected then you do well to step back, much to the loss of all of us but you and your family come first. I personally will miss you, as will a lot of other folks.
You are right, something has changed, it is not just you.
AND, you make bloody amazing knives!!! Thanks particularly for your sharing of how to do really complicated things that most of us other folks would not have had a damned clue how to do....and special thanks to your Dad, he is clearly a wise honourable man who raised the same sort of kid.
So I am a long winded gusher too, who cares. You are a fine man Nick Wheeler. Believe me, regardless of what pissed you off here, there are a LOT of people that appreciate what you have given.
Take care buddy, Godspeed.

The fact is, eventually anyone, everyone, will piss you off. Just the nature of the internet (and life). Just don't take your ball and go home.
Nick, I wish you all the best. I hope you and your family( And those 2 horses) had a wonderful christmas. Thank you for probably the single most informative wip ever posted in shop talk. Your advice(And smilies ;) ) will be missed around here. Here's to hoping i get to shake your hand at Blade this year.

Nick, I hear you as I just recently started coming back to this forum. However don't get me wrong it's not just this forum as I am a member of four other knife forums. In the past year my life has grown and changed.
I do hear you in saying this world has changed. However this is not one of these overnight things Nick it is just sometimes it takes recent events to make us understand that. There is another generation out their that seems to be all about things I was never brought up to be about! Maybe I am just being cynical in believing that there is a better class of people than seem to come forward everyday in real life!

Nick you have done a lot in my opinion to further the knife making process. I have enjoyed talking with you and reading the posts you have made. I think you are finding yourself at a crossroads in your life and the path you take from here will make your life have meaning. Don't stray from the things that make you, YOU but sometimes change is good! Best of luck friend!:thumbup:

I sound like a broken record, but... When I found out there was such a thing as "making knives" two years ago I found BF and specifically shop talk. I found the Wheeler's steel WIP and it blew me away. I literally spent a week of evenings reading it. I saw the times of day(and night) you were posting and even having Lorien do a large part of the WIP was a huge sacrifice.
It is one of the greatest assets BladeForums has in regards to custom knifemaking in general. :thumbup:

You are an ambassador of the craft.
I appreciated the day we spent in your shop when I drove up. I learned more than I've even to yet use from you. All the jigs n tips you've shared over the years were there to see in person.

I hope you truly know that you've for sure helped change my life for the better with the knowledge you've freely shared. In fact, that's the thing, I know it wasn't free. To you. You have given a lot to this forum, specifically to people here.

You are good people. :D

And dang dude, your dogs are HUGE! :eek: