Suggestion box!

Damn! Now that is a fine piece of knife! You do good work, sir.

Did I ever tell you I'm deeply in love with Persian blades? Here's a knife I designed and had brought to life by Reese Weiland:

We should collaborate on a knife. A DDR-inspired Persian blade. If we leave it here in the DDR suggestion box, maybe Darrel will get a little inspiration from it! :D

One can always hope! I only do fixed blades at the moment. I don't have the tooling for a folder, and I can only aspire to the kinds of art that Darrel creates. I'd love to see his version of a persian though (yes, that was intentional). ETAC + IKBS + Persian blade would have me drooling for sure.
Got to thinking today. Rather than making whole new knives why not make a few accessories that people can buy after you have the knife. Say I get tired of the blade on my Maxx and I want a bowie blade or something like that or someone has a radian gunny and wants a torpedo. They can just simply buy a different blade. And you don't have to stop there. You could do colored hardware kits bearing upgrades different scales, maybe some limited edition ones. It'd be sweet. Everybody loves having something that feels uniquely theirs.
Say I get tired of the blade on my Maxx and I want a bowie blade or something like that or someone has a radian gunny and wants a torpedo. They can just simply buy a different blade.

Lockbar and blade tang are still fit together by hand. This wouldn't work all the time.
...... Didn't think about that. Still a neat concept.
Yea, neat idea, but would have to most likely be made to order, which he could probably do. I mean it's basically ordering a knife with more than one blade profile. I've seen a few from various makers before.
I would really like to see an htm balisong. But that is just what i have been collecting here lately.

$400 seems to be the max people are willing to spend without going full on custom. under is better.

and with balisongs i like funky blade grinds.
I'll plus one that Karambit. Angry damascus with a wicked super steel edge and some custom DDR styling. Cue the Homer Simpson drooling / gurgling noise.
Also will toss this in here. Massive Gunhammer fixed blade:

Not as original or epic as many of the other suggestions but perhaps much easier to do, I wish the knives were all drilled for tip-up as well.
Edit- Many of them are, I am referring to the Maxx knives of various sizes.
Going to un-sticky this, but feel free to post/bump it if you have any ideas.