Tactical Knives

Mar 8, 1999
Well, I got a fax from Harris Publications today. The latest article on our khukuris will appear in the Tactical Knives that arrives at news stands on 8 June. Featured in the article is a Bhojpure and a Panawal (the older, wooden-handled variety).

What I like best about the article is that it is not like other "reviews" that say that the knife they are reviewing was made by God, can chop through titanium, and can be heated to several million degrees without melting
. Don't get me wrong: the article is extremely positive, but Ron Hood (the author and reviewer www.survival.com) did an OUTSTANDING job of reviewing.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
COOL! It`ll be interesting to see what DocRon thinks of a Bhojpure since that`s my big woods knife.
Well, here's a one-sentence teaser quote for you (sort of like the Star Wars Trailer):

. . . Notice the spray of bone and marrow in the air . . .

He's talking about your khukuri (and there's even a photo!

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
Will they be reviewing a WW3 when they are done. That one would seem to be right up Tactical Knives alley.

I have something special planned for the WWIII. Since it's such a special animal, made in Nepal, numbered, and finished here in the US by multiple companies, it will no doubt generate a lot of attention, as nothing like it has ever been done. I definitely think the coverage on the WWIII will instantly cause the knife to easily be worth twice what you all paid for it (on the secondary collector market, that is).


Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
Oh MAN! Now I really can`t wait to see that issue! I`m glad I have a subscription.
You`re probably right about the WWIII too...DOH I should have bought one to use and one to save!
I am saving mine for sure! No guarantees, but my opinion is that it'll become a very valuable collector's piece - on that I'd never be able to afford.

Actually, by setting a "full retail" price above the price that the early registrants paid, I've already, in effect, created a secondary market. So in a sense, WWIII owners have already made money - sort of like buying "khukuri futures."

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

[This message has been edited by Craig Gottlieb (edited 05-24-2000).]

I just bought the July issue of Tactical Knives with the 2 Edge Tech folders and TOPS Storm Rider on the cover...your khuk article isn't in there, so I'm assuming it will be in the August issue.

Looking forward to getting that issue.
I just got my new copy today and flipped right to the khukuri article! Doc Ron did a good job with the review. It`s a little brief but it`s to the point. I won`t spoil it for those who haven`t seen it yet but the last line is "If you are looking for a big mean chopper that can denude a mountainside and hope to get it for the right price,this is your baby."
Craig,I hope that shipment has LOTS of khukuris in it,you`re gonna need em once this article hits the stands! Wait till DocRon gets a load of the WWIII!!!!
I wonder if DocRon will be wishing he had gotten in on the original 40 WWIII's with us once he discovers them. Put it another way, which would you rather have to face a TEOTWAWKI scenario with, a TOPS knife or a GH WWIII?
Fate would have it that I JUST spent all of last night re-vamping my shopping cart - good for me. I thought the magazines weren't available to the public until 8 June!

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

Just picked up my copy at the store tonight. Read (skimmed)while in the grocery line, but what a nice article. Now I can slowly re-read the story. It would be nice to see just how much extra business the story brings in.

I bought the TK magazine yesterday. I enjoyed the article, as well as Ron Hood's sense of humor


[This message has been edited by Big Bob (edited 06-03-2000).]
Ron Hood recommended a kydex sheath to compliment the khukuri 'cause he didn't like the leather one.

Ha! If he only knew.
Ron does have a good sense of humor. And I especially like his "common sense" combat test: chopping elk bone. You know, one of the editors of the magazine called me and asked me if I wanted him to strike the part about the elk bone test and the "serated edge" khukuri. His reasoning was that Elk was a lot thicker and denser than human bone, and that he felt it unfairly characterized the GH khukuris. I told him to leave it as-is; that the khukuri finished the job on the elk bone and was still servicable after the task was good enough for me. I also figured that readers who needed a combat weapon would know the difference between Elk and human bone.

Did I do the right thing?

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
Ron does have a good sense of humor. And I especially like his "common sense" combat test: chopping elk bone. You know, one of the editors of the magazine called me and asked me if I wanted him to strike the part about the elk bone test and the "serated edge" khukuri. His reasoning was that Elk was a lot thicker and denser than human bone, and that he felt it unfairly characterized the GH khukuris. I told him to leave it as-is; that the khukuri finished the job on the elk bone and was still servicable after the task was good enough for me. I also figured that readers who needed a combat weapon would know the difference between Elk and human bone.

Did I do the right thing?

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor
After forcing myself to SLOWLY re-read the article, (darn that Evelyn Spedhead reading course)yes Craig, you did the right thing. It is a great article.

Craig, you asked if we thought you did the right thing by telling them to keep the elk bone test in the review when they gave you the choice to have it stricken. I don't know if this is a "right" or "wrong" issue per se; I see it as a matter of principle, and I think what you did was a very honorable thing to do, especially considering they gave you an easy way out and you didn't take it. I think it was very admirable of you to keep that test in there (and you're right--the khuk ACCOMPLISHED THE MISSION where other knives have failed, and it was easily repairable, as Ron said), because it shows your willingness to let everyone have ALL the facts, and your commitment to be open in your dealings and keep nothing hidden. Of course, those of us here already know you're like that.
Besides, the fact that the khuk survived the elk bone test and got the job done speaks for itself. Right or wrong, I don't know, but I admire you for refusing to censor out any of it.

On second thought, never mind all that, Craig. You did right!

"i have trouble with the persons with the signs
but i feel the need to make my own" --King's X

[This message has been edited by X-Head (edited 06-10-2000).]