Thanks Everyone!

Your success couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Or more deserving. And, just think, you're still at the beginning of your journey. We are all looking forward to seeing (and owning!) what you come up with in the years ahead. Go Daniel!! :)

Thanks! I really appreciate that.

The way I look at it I am in the beginning of my fourth year of knifemaking... I consider it the first semester of my senior year of knife school! :D So far I have mostly been paying dues but plan on going pro soon. :p I kid but that is pretty true! I am just getting started.

^ What ksm said!^

Thanks FBC! Keep up the great work yourself!
And... Thank You, Daniel for this Fantastic Coyote Tan Tanto! It is my all-time favorite tanto!!
Yes, sounds like they all arrived today, sweeeet :D This knife is a nice one Daniel ;]