The Delta 7


Dealer / Materials Provider
Aug 25, 2005
For those of you not on social media, we do pic request on our social media sites. Basically people ask us to post pics of certain knives next to each other. It tends to help those that do not have a knife store in their area and want to get a visual idea of size from a knife they are familiar with to one they are thinking of purchasing.

I tell you all that to explain this. Tonight we got a pic request showing the Fletcher Knives Delta 7, WA Surls Arampaima and the Fiddleback Forge Bishop all together but then they also asked us to list their weight.

Here is the pic and measurements:

Delta 7 11.5 oz, Arapaima 14.1 oz, Bishop 15.3 oz

Putting in knife inventory I do not pay much attention to weight, but after doing this I was going damn Dylan makes a bad ass light big knife!

Nicely done homie!
Thanks broski! I love watching people's eyes get big when they pick it up, and they say, "ok seriously, how did you get it this light?" That is one of the designs where light-weight was crucial for the ultralight pack folks who count ounces instead of pounds. That, the tombstone, and a couple others are meant to give you all the chopping and clearing ability, awesome balance, while still allowing you to pack ultralight.
I'm kicking myself that i missed out on the Delta 7 at USA made Blade; Dylan, do you have any more of these in the pipeline?! A 1/8 TT delta 7 clad in some burlap would be a dream come true for hiking season this fall!
For those of you not on social media, we do pic request on our social media sites. Basically people ask us to post pics of certain knives next to each other. It tends to help those that do not have a knife store in their area and want to get a visual idea of size from a knife they are familiar with to one they are thinking of purchasing.

I tell you all that to explain this. Tonight we got a pic request showing the Fletcher Knives Delta 7, WA Surls Arampaima and the Fiddleback Forge Bishop all together but then they also asked us to list their weight.

Here is the pic and measurements:

Delta 7 11.5 oz, Arapaima 14.1 oz, Bishop 15.3 oz

Putting in knife inventory I do not pay much attention to weight, but after doing this I was going damn Dylan makes a bad ass light big knife!

Nicely done homie!

Yes he does. One of the most poignant lessons I have learned about the knife industry, is how true craftsman do not need the unnecessary mass to make up for their lack of skill in overall geometry and weight distribution. I have yet to try the D7, but knowing Dylan's work as well as I do, I can tell how well it will perform just looking at his grinds and weight distribution. I know I love how the X out performs production blades of nearly twice the thickness and weight, and is much more comfortable on a belt.
I'm kicking myself that i missed out on the Delta 7 at USA made Blade; Dylan, do you have any more of these in the pipeline?! A 1/8 TT delta 7 clad in some burlap would be a dream come true for hiking season this fall!

There's definitely more of these in the future.