The magic of the Insingo.

My small 21 Micarta Insingo, is one of my very favorite knives. I hope to be buying a large 21 Micarta Insingo soon.
kidcongo kidcongo I'm sad this thread has lost its photos. I picked up a large Insingo and came back to find this. :(

Any chance you'd be able to update this thread? Your photos detailing this and other Sebenza details were absolutely superb.
I've had a large Insingo for a few years. I've never been able to carry it for a day once in a while.
I read your thread and the great comments from you Cody The comments from everyone else were great too.
I've been carrying mine for almost two weeks and I don't see a reason to stop any time soon.
I love the blade shape on this knife! It's the best slicer CRK makes.
For most of us the drop point is much more functional for everyday applications and easier to sharpen as well
@ tank sniper...have you ever used an Insingo ? Your comments about the drop are exaggerated and one sided.

"tank sniper For most of us the drop point is much more functional for everyday applications and easier to sharpen as well.
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yes I have used the insingo. I don't care for it as you can tell. The drop point does everything I need it to. I simply see more disadvantages with the insingo than advantages especially if you are a big game hunter. Obviously the insingo has a big following but maybe the majority of these are "gentleman users" as it were.

Here is a link that I think will be okay to post here since they advertise here or did at one time.
yes I have used the insingo. I don't care for it as you can tell. The drop point does everything I need it to. I simply see more disadvantages with the insingo than advantages especially if you are a big game hunter. Obviously the insingo has a big following but maybe the majority of these are "gentleman users" as it were.

Here is a link that I think will be okay to post here since they advertise here or did at one time.
Disadvantages based on your use for sure. Different blades for different functions. Glad CRK makes different bladed types. I’ll use my insingo blade to gentlemanly cut things.
Another old thread, somewhat ruined by the old Photobucket service and their strange collapse into irrelevance.

Anyways………my old Insingo 21 is my knife for the month. Going to be carrying it on another trip I’m embarking on today to explore the Schulaps Mountain Range of British Columbia. I’ve got this knife, my Pacific, and a Bark River Bravo 1.25 along.

Insingo for food prep, Bravo for kindling, and Pacific for cougars, bears, hillbillies, zombies, aliens, etc.

Slabs stonewashed by myself using my clothes dryer several years back.

Thanks for bringing this ol' thread of yours back kidcongo kidcongo .
I'm a pretty big fan of Wharncliffe/sheepfoot/lambfoot blades so it was a no-brainer for me to get the Insingo blade on a small Sebenza.
The Insingo is a really, really well designed blade for my use - rope work plus all the daily stuff we have in and around the house. It cut's everything with a breeze. I can definitely see why people get devoted to CRK.
I love the Insingo. And I have to disagree with some people….. I think the Insingo is easier to sharpen over the drop point and I also think it makes a better all around user blade.
I agree 100%. I went through 5-6 large and small drop points and while they were great, once I picked up an Insingo, I have never wanted another drop point. I have a small 21 and it seems they are getting rather scarce.
I agree 100%. I went through 5-6 large and small drop points and while they were great, once I picked up an Insingo, I have never wanted another drop point. I have a small 21 and it seems they are getting rather scarce.

I couldn’t agree more. I had a few insingo’s ans unfortunately had to sell them. I now only have two drop points. I really want another Insingo
I love the Insingo. And I have to disagree with some people….. I think the Insingo is easier to sharpen over the drop point and I also think it makes a better all around user blade.
I concur. The insingo is a straighter blade so I don’t get the comment of a drop point being easier to sharpen.
As far as the blade… we’ll it has a tip so I don’t see it doing things much worse than the DP :)
I agree with the preference of the insingo blade shape. Using a WE sharpening system, most all blade shapes - including recurves - are usually easily accommodated, however the straighter blades are a breeze. I have both a large and small Inkosi with insingo blades and they're much preferred for most all my uses. Since I no longer hunt it's not an issue, but if I did I'd use a 4-5" fixed blade.

Thanks for bringing this very interesting thread back to life!
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