The mods suck

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So instead of taking the high road and getting all ticked off at the title of the thread, he takes the time to explain how a mod determines a course of action, taking individual circumstances in to account.
What the hell could else could anyone ask of a mod?
Suck? NOT!
For sure the mods here vs. the site traffic do an awesome job.

It for sure is a weird study in human behavior when it comes down to what triggers some peoples urge to pick a hill to die on. Post gets moved from GKD to GBU and that's it. Person gets told no deal spotting/no politics/no racism and they just crack.

Super special snowflakes that never got told no till they got here? That everybody gets a trophy mentality really can cause issues when it bumps into the callous real world.

Some people get very angry when the site here doesn't match their worldview. There are some people who feel that just because we all like knives we also should be in lockstep on their world view when it comes to complex issues like politics or religion.
Some will just never fit within the multitudes of categories we have here.

Can you imagine having to deny someone that likes knives enough to become a member and discuss it for years or at all for that matter? All that time spent gone.
Even giving out infractions or warnings to people you have discussed topics with for years. Uncomfortable is a good word for it. Even if they are a newish member, it doesn't really make it that much easier.
It's especially fun when you find out people have been bashing you on social media because you had a decision to make..Like say, a temp ban for constantly being disruptive.
Yeah, we are arseholes sometimes and not perfect- We have our ups and downs just like anyone else. If that is the case, send a PM..I would much rather discuss a situation in PM than the open forums and haven't banned anyone for it despite once being told to go ef myself.
Pretty sure all the mods are open to PM's if you have the ability, of course. Profile messages also work because we can send you a PM to have a discussion in that case.

I haven't ventured in T.S. in awhile now. I actually enjoyed reading most of this very entertaining thread.

I think you hit the nail on the head here, Hyde. The "key" is, finding a category here, that best suits- you! ^Your comment, gave me some enlightening perspective, on just how difficult, and demanding, your duties/responsibilities here, truly are! :thumbsup:

I haven't been around this place too terribly long, so I don't really know much about what it was like prior to say, 2012, back when I started venturing in this place.

The core group of Moderator's that I remember when I first joined here (RevDevil, Esav B, Rycen, Morrow & Karda), were/are a pretty diverse group. They ran a pretty tight ship, but gave a lot of latitude to the ebb and flow of this forum's vastly diverse group of personalities (at least IMHO & from my own personal experiences). I was given my fair share of warnings, but most of the time they were very professional (yet firm) when they needed to be, and let me know when, "I needed to chill out and have a beer!"

I'm thinking they must've felt a lot like you do, bhyde ("Can you imagine having to deny someone that likes knives enough to become a member and discuss it for years or at all for that matter? All that time spent gone."), back during some of those trying times when they too had to make some of these same type of difficult decisions.

Which lead's me to this present group of Moderator's (Knarfeng, Boru & bhyde). I've enjoyed observing you guys & highly respect the hard work that each of you do, sacrificing so much of your free valuable time, to help make this place run as smoothly as it does. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

^^^ For without your objectiveness, I'd be willing to bet that I in all probability, I wouldn't be here...
and as a guy who truly/genuinely, is passionate about knives, I say: "thank you!" :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I sell a couple hundred knives every year elsewhere, I'm sure my thousands of viewers will be interested to hear of the gestapo like tactics the mods use here when dealing with very minor problems. Seriously 40 points for calling out mods?
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