The Next Gathering Will Be May 12th

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
Saturday, May 12th will be the date of our next Gathering, and will be held at my shop.

JK Knives
Uncle Bill
Joliet Jeff
ErichM - maybe
Mr Sogetsu
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I'm in, it'll be interesting for me to see John's shop and all my new friends. Thanks John for the opportunity.
John Smith.
I don't think I will make it. I am signing a lease next week and I think I am moving in that weekend.
Hey guys. I kinda fell off of the face of the planet there for awhile but I'm back. I'd love to come if you'd have me:)
mmmmmm. Bacon!

I could bring bacon wrapped stuffed jalepenos. Should we make this the Bacon Gathering? Everyone bring something with bacon as an ingredient?


Thanks a lot guys. Guess you guys think Jeff and I are too gluttonous to hold the b acon gathering when we are coming.
Thanks a lot guys. Guess you guys think Jeff and I are too gluttonous to hold the b acon gathering when we are coming.

haha! We have seen you eat! Just kidding - congrats on the new place, and show up if you can swing it.

The Boss said she will make her baked beans (with bacon)!

Yum! Those are great beans!

Mqqn, please make those again, man were they awesome! Hhmmm, I'll have to give my dish some thought

I will do my best. I am without a kitchen right now due to a remodel, but the finish date is supposed to be May 14, so by that time I should be able to whip up a batch of those peppers. Worst case I will bring the fixin's to John and Connies and prepare them in the shop!

As for your dish - I wonder what kind of cookies would be best with bacon in them? Hmmmmm.......

