The next Hammer-in

m. wohlwend

Apr 21, 2007
Let's start talking about the next Hammer-in. I think I have MasterSmith Mike Vagnino commited to forging something, I pretty sure Ray Laconico will be there to show something, and I will be there. I would like to see a WS&S twist so if we could get volunteer to teach some firebuilding skills, or cooking skills...etc, that would be great. There will be an offical ABS hammer-in here in Visalia this fall, so I really don't want to get to close to that one. Mainly cause I owe Mike favors so I will probably be working for him at the ABS Hammer-in. :D Just something for you guys to think about... lets hear your thoughts...

i'm in again... i just need to what date's you are thinking about.. i had a blast the last time..:thumbup:
Not the last week of July or the First week of August... otherwise I'm good.
I'm a lot of stuck for june and july. I might be able to make a heatwave event in august or september.