This is what it's all about

Gossman Knives

Edged Toolmaker
Apr 9, 2004
I get feedback and reviews all the time and appreciate all of them. Sometimes I get one that really stands out.

"I got a PSK from you about a year ago and wanted to tell you how much I like it. I hunt with hounds and I'm in remote areas of California and Nevada about 150 to 200 days a year running bear and lions. The PSK is my constant companion, it goes everywhere with me. I have used it on bullfrogs and rattlesnakes on up to black bear and big wild hogs. I like it!
Thank you"
name withheld for privacy reasons

Just goes to show even the small PSK knife gets the job done.
I could get by with my my PSK and Victorinox farmer, with what little I do. That's cool man.
That is what it is all about positive feedback. I still believe a combo set of your big boar tusker and a psk would cover every chore someone would ever encounter.

I processed two hogs in the field with mine weekend before last. It is quickly moving up the charts to #1.

I put a G-10 handle on it and made a Kydex sheath this morning, it makes it easier on the hands but I sure liked it naked too. Hhmmm may need another one for EDC.

I posted pictures in the PSK thread.
Thanks guys. What a life to spend that kind of time in a remote area hunting. :thumbup: Gives me goosebumps.
I'm a big fan of your PSK--just wish I had to use it hunting 200 days a year!
I use the WUK on an everyday basis. I am hard on the knife and it takes all that I give it. I can't wait to give it a try on some big game. I also carry in a neck sheath the warncliff mini PSK. I love that knife. It is a great little cutter.