Tough Bugger!!!

Bill Siegle

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 3, 2000
I made this heavy duty chopper yesterday :) When I was a kid, there was as a local maker making camp/throwers for the mountain man gatherings. They were stout and more hatchet than knife but a lot of fun! I decided to make something similar in concept and came up with this. It’s 13 3/4in OA with an 8 11/16 blade tip to handle. Weight is substantial at 24oz. I used some ole ugly maroon/black G10 for scales. The clip is thin but not sharpened. The edge bevels are flat ground with a high angle to a thin but tough edge. Very hatchet like :D I didn’t finish it to any high degree so it should see some guilt free use someday!!!

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