Tramontina 5 pack

Mar 26, 2004
Looking through the internet I came across a deal for a 5 pack of Tramontina machetes, all different shapes and sizes, for less than $40.00, including shipping.

Now, I have made comments before regarding the fact that, in most situations, I'd rather carry a hatchet than a machete. But, after just reading a good review of the Tramontina machete on this forum, I said, "what the heck" and ordered the 5 pack.

It arrived today. None of them were very sharp, and a couple were downright blunt, but for the price I can spend some time sharpening 'em up.

Looks like I've got some 'permenting to do.
Have fun with them! That 5-pack is a great way to begin finding out your stylistic/length preferences. Prepare to be hooked! :D
Pretty sure it's Machete Specialist. I haven't seen anyone else selling a 5-pack of Trams.
Great way to find out what your preferences are for in a machete, and if you can find it out, you can mod the others to fit you better. Or, that is what I would do anyway.
Sounds like a good deal to me I've had pretty good experiences with tramontinas there a very good value for the money.
I've ordered sooooooooo many machetes from Cam over the past year, it's almost embarrassing. :p
Great deal and very good blades. Three of my five were pretty sharp and the other two didn't need much work. Arguably the best deal for the money of any blade anywhere.