Traps made with Beckers. Coyote back breaker, paiute, and fig4

I live in a rural area on some property they've come up here close to the house, they're getting out of hand.. I check into it, if not I need to make a live trap..
I'm a coyote hunter. By far, the most intense hunting for me is predator hunting. I have seen some nasty damage done by coyotes on farms around here and can tell you that a live trap is a VERY bad idea. If you are not a trained control agent or a licensed nuisance wildlife trapper you should NOT consider dealing with a live, trapped coyote. Be safe.
oh I'd shoot it while its trapped.. :eek: call me lazy, but I'm a little pressed for time..

I may have to break down and actually hunt them.. :grumpy:
Yeah +1 on the Coyote hunting. Growing up in SE AZ i spent an inordinate amount of time varmint calling and shooting dogs. Used to get paid by ranchers for each dog we shot in cow country and even more in sheep country. Sort of a .22 caliber (center fire) pest control service. Nothing better than that.
Unfortunately, the Bk9 wasn't totally unscathed. I lost one of the bolts for the handle while chopping:grumpy:


I put some Loc-Tight on the remaining two when I got home. I know of a few other people that have had bolts fall out quickly so I think its an issue of under tightening from the factory. Easily fixed but annoying if you don't realize in time.

This just happened so you will go get some stainless hardware and nylon lock nuts for your baby. They like to be pampered too, y'know.

Size is 10-24 5/8" long, although you can go with 3/4" if you really want to.