Tribute to the ERGOS, my modified Badger Attack E

Jan 20, 2003
After I had stated that the ERGOS are not produced any longer , I wanted to write my first contribution here to mine over the ERGOS. I am lucky owner of two ERGOS. The NO and the BA, both of them i really love. I am sad, that the line stopped - and I can not buy the SH and the BM at present. :(
:D ...but i am very exiting to see the new line... :p
Although I am inspired by the BA also, I had modified it, because no finger choil is present there. I trained a finger choil with the Dremel. Now I can use my BA still better. Against my conception providing the finger choil was not heavy , has me only sweat and fear cost....

picture of my BA:

regards Fugazi

<sorry for my english>
Howdy Fugazi! Nice blade! Welcome to the group, stick around and join in the conversation!

BTW, there will always be ergos floating around for sale in the forums.....

Good pictures my man.

Great job on the choil.

Hope to see you posting here more often.
