Two for Tuesday


Platinum Member
Apr 24, 2012
This sub-forum NEEDS an OKT Two for Tuesday thread!

Kicking it off with 2 2-fers


OKT Warthog and a Fiddleback PK. Just good luck and timing on them coming up around the same time.

Thanks. I think I'll hold on to these for a spell. There's a nice blue moon glow Warthog coming up tomorrow evening. (hint hint) ;)

This is really my first time to use TapTalk. Will is be posted here?!??? THAT Warthog would be right up my alley? Any particular time? Thanks Warrior!
This is really my first time to use TapTalk. Will is be posted here?!??? THAT Warthog would be right up my alley? Any particular time? Thanks Warrior!

I post a locked thread preview at around 8:40 pm then unlock the next thread at 9pm EST , first come first serve.
Thank you so much for posting this. I missed the Warthog by 2 minutes. I was putting my little boy to bed, when he 99% of the time chooses mommy. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Lol thanks again

Family first :)

First of all, I'd send an email or PM to M4Super90 to hit you up if he decides he doesn't like it or ever wants to sell it.

Second, please enable PMs and email so folks can contact you on the side, esp if you buy something from someone. You will want to discuss payment/shipping deals and even knife questions and picture requests via PM and outside sales threads. I'm working on a FAQ for Fiddleback stuff and would like to PM the draft to you. It would be really helpful for where to start. If you want to shoot me an email, I can reply there too. Warrior108 @
Family first :)

First of all, I'd send an email or PM to M4Super90 to hit you up if he decides he doesn't like it or ever wants to sell it.

Second, please enable PMs and email so folks can contact you on the side, esp if you buy something from someone. You will want to discuss payment/shipping deals and even knife questions and picture requests via PM and outside sales threads. I'm working on a FAQ for Fiddleback stuff and would like to PM the draft to you. It would be really helpful for where to start. If you want to shoot me an email, I can reply there too. Warrior108 @

Let me know if you ever wanna sell that Warthog. ;)
Let me know if you ever wanna sell that Warthog. ;)

So here's a warning for you .. my collection as of a few weeks ago, considering that my 1st purchase was in late March this year. It's in the Fiddleback Flea Market and the post explains why. My reason for posting here is that I do have a Warthog for sale presently. Super nice Warthog!! Its in the left column 3rd from the bottom.