Two new


Nov 30, 2001
New leather, new patterns, and new keeper strap design all in two sheaths! Win!

These two are for an Air Force man, super nice guy we got to meet here in San Antonio, visiting Randolph Air Force Base. :D From Mississippi.

First one is a Becker Campanion, I love this little knife, going to have to get me one eventually. :)


Showing the keeper strap a little better, its two pieces of paracord, simplest fix ever if it gets cut. Got the idea from my Eagle Machaxe sheath.


This one is a Tops, ATR (iirc on the name) Nifty little chopper thing. Reminds me of an Ulu.


These were a joy to make, well after some cussing at the new pattern idea that is, but I am really loving the paracord keeper strap.

Thanks for looking!!
Nice work. I think the paracord keeper strap might be perfect for the "Porkdogscrap" . Adjustability for different knives is good.
That's a really clever idea Leatherman. I like it a lot! Just a thought that occurred to me, but it might be a cool touch to attach or send a couple small lengths of paracord with sheaths like that as "replacements''. Not really necessary but just a cool little thing like how dress shirts come with extra buttons and a little thread sometime.
Nice work. I think the paracord keeper strap might be perfect for the "Porkdogscrap" . Adjustability for different knives is good.
Sounds like a plan! :)
That's a really clever idea Leatherman. I like it a lot! Just a thought that occurred to me, but it might be a cool touch to attach or send a couple small lengths of paracord with sheaths like that as "replacements''. Not really necessary but just a cool little thing like how dress shirts come with extra buttons and a little thread sometime.
Not a bad idea at all, thank you. :D