Question Unable to post pix

Nov 22, 2021
I'm a paid-up gold member, but as of yesterday (2.8.23) I've been unable to post pictures. Any reason for that?

Also, when I go to post, the thread displays my avatar, but not my user name (Kirk Raptor) or my membership level.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Bill (Kirk Raptor)
I see your username and gold.
How do you usually post images?
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I just reviewed your posts from yesterday... and saw a bunch of pictures. Perhaps something on your end is preventing you from seeing them
Thank you for getting back to me so promptly.

This is all very strange, and seems to be related to the browser I use.

When I post in Google's version of Chrome, all works well. But when I attempt to post in MS Edge's version, the options bar atop the post is grayed out.

Obviously, I'll have to pursue the solution from here.

Again, thank you!

PS: Normally I post using the font, "Georgia." But as you can see, I cannot do that. As I said, all very strange.