Uncle Bill has to go to the hospital. Rusty, take over.

I've got a medical problem that needs attention so I'm heading down to St. Marys Hospital today for an evaluation. If they decide to keep me I may be away for a few days and if that's the case I'll see you all when I get back. If they don't keep me I'll be here tomorrow.

May not be making any shipments if they decide to hold me over or answering email or phone.

Toss up a couple of prayers and well wishes. They help.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Bill said:

Toss up a couple of prayers and well wishes. They help.

You got 'em! Hope you're ok! Best wishes for a speedy return.

Uncle Bill- To hell with the shipping. Get yourself down there and let business take care of itself 'til you get back.
Always a pleasure,
Jan 15, 2000
Our prayers are with you Uncle Bill. Get well soon.

"Clear a path for the Kukhri or it will clear one for itself"
Blessings and prayers unto you. I thought you looked pretty peaked Monday.

Don't worry, this bunch of bananas does well when you're gone and better when you're back running things. Rusty
Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock. I'll say some prayers that it's nothing serious with Bill's clock.
Uncle Bill, be assured you are in the thoughts and prayers of your many, many friends around the world.
We'll definitely pray for your health, Bill. We'll also pray that no matter what happens or what kind of report you get, that your Creator will comfort you and cover your mind with His perfect peace, which defies man's logic and casts out all fear. We'll miss you here and anxiously await your return.

Get well soon, Uncle Bill! Take care of yourself!

When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.

And continued prayers in the Sweat Saturday night!!


"Know your own bone, gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it again."


Khukuri FAQ
Take care of yourself first Uncle, we'll be here when you get back. Prayers are with you...

And continued prayers in the Sweat Saturday night!!


"Know your own bone, gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it again."


Khukuri FAQ