VTAC Tastes a little Blood

Brian Jones

Jan 17, 1999
Not as exciting as it sounds. Sad a bit, in fact.

Visiting my Dad, I saw he had purchased a BB gun. My first reaction: ???? He bought it to dispatch a woodpecker that has been pounding on the side of his house and drivning him nuts. It showed up while I was there and he plucked it out of a tree, but only wounded it. It was suffering, so I went to the car and pulled my VTAC out of the trunk to put it out of its misery.

It took the poor little guy's head off very cleanly in one small choplet, and his suffering ceased.

So, it appears, has my Dad's!
Earlier this year I was plinking about with brother's BB gun and popped a woodpecker right out of a tree. I had been popping robbins but for some reason I felt a bit guilty for taking the life of this woodpecker. So I thanked God for delivering this tiny meal and I ate him for lunch. It was a great opportunity to practice my fire making skills. I only bring this up because I used my Vtac to take his head off as well. Slick as a whistle.

BTW, tasted like duck. :cool: