Wenger Can Opener

Oct 9, 2005
I recently acquired this Wenger knife (the one with the backpacker on the scale) at an area pawn shop. It is light, compact and has a good array of implements. I love SAKs and collect Victorinox and Wenger knives. I never liked the can opener on the Wenger because I have always found it hard to use. I just mangle the lids on the cans I have tried to open. The Vic opener is a lot easier to use and leaves a smoother edge on the lid. Well on this older Wenger the can opener is smaller than the opener on my other Wengers. I tried it out on a tuna can and lo and behold it performed a lot better than the newer openers. I also noticed that it does not have the patented locking screwdriver. I am looking to make this little knife part of my EDC rotation. I am curious to know when it was manufactured. I am comparing it to s Wenger S10 in the pics.
Here is a link to an old 1976 Backpacker magazine with a Wenger Precise advertisement showing an older Monarch model. This helps to date Precise as being active at that time.

http://books.google.com/books?id=mu...er&pg=PA80#v=onepage&q=Precise Wenger&f=false

A 1980 magazine ad for Wenger Precise knife;
http://books.google.com/books?id=9N...PA9#v=onepage&q=Precise International&f=false

A 1979 ad with what looks like your knife;
http://books.google.com/books?id=bu...NES&pg=PA2#v=onepage&q=Wenger Precise&f=false

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