What about board games?


Basic Member
Jan 14, 2010
We play Cataan, Ticket to Ride, Splendor….. what family games am I missing out on???
My daughter likes "Wingspan". Apparently it's a bird-related game. I just bought a vintage card game 'Mille Bornes" for a buck. I used to play as a kid. We played it last week . It's fun.
If you like sports, especially baseball, try Strat-O-Matic. It's an old school board game that's been around for 60+ years, and has a very loyal following. I've been threatening to try it for years, but never have. Maybe one day....

does Yahtzee count - we've been on a yahtzee kick lately.
before that was Phase 10 (card game)
and Dominoes prior to that.
Not exactly a board game, but in my family it's Rummikub, from my Great-Grandmother to my kids' generation. My kids are all of age (20, 18, 18) now but they still love to get together and play when we can, and I still play with my grandmother (92) when I visit her. I feel like it's a good strategic game to get the kids thinking and a good exercise to keep your mind sharp as you get older.

When were feeling a little less ambitious we pop some Trouble from time to time.
We were introduced to a game called Sequence when we moved south.

It involves playing cards and a board made up of cut-down cards. The object is to get 5 places in a row, or sequence, by drawing and discarding cards.
You use poker chips to mark your claimed spots.
We normally play in two-person teams.

It is a fun pastime.

My son bought us a game called Klask and I will ask that you just google that one lol. Ours is a tabletop version.

Finally, we have a crokinole board, which is a Canadian game that is a lot of fun, kind of an octagonal shuffle-board game.

I used to take the crokinole set to our 4th of July party in our old town during the celebration leading up to fireworks. Strangers would gather around and join the game. Good times!
Check this one out , still haven't figured out how to play it yet . IMG_20231207_132825495.jpg