What are you reading?

Daniel Koster

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
Right now I am reading "Code of the Woosters" by P.G. Wodehouse

The jury is still out as to whether this is better than the british sitcom with Hugh Laurie...:cool:

Just finished "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett and a whole bunch of short stories by Arthur Clarke (*whew!*)

When I finish the Best of the Jeeves series....I plan on starting another Terry Goodkind "Sword of Truth"....I'm on "Naked Truth".

And then it'll be another in the Jack Reacher series.

So, what's on your reading palette?

Anybody here on GoodReads.com?

Have a great weekend!

Just finished One Second After by William Forstchen. I'm sure you guys are way ahead of me on that one. I'm now about half way through the pdf version of Lights Out by HalfFast. Both are outstanding fictitious stories of an EMP strike on the US.

Anyone have any other suggestions of books on this subject or good survival stories in general?

Recently finished "The Dark Tower" series by Steven King. Great books. Some of my favorites.
Just started "The 47th Samurai" by Stephen Hunter. I tried to get into Mark Levins latest, but I think I have ADD - kept losing my train of thought. Just finished "Dirty White Boys" by the same author (Hunter). I've read most of his stuff. Good stroy teller. I like John Sanford too.
I'm reading the "Lone Survivior" by Marcus Luttrell. Also have been slowly reading "O Conceito Zero" by AJ Barros. It's in Portuguese, which I can't read quite as fast as English.
I re-read everything....either too lazy to get to the library, or just don't want to spend money at the store :)

Last night, I was re-reading The Forever War, Dune, and a book I picked up at the airport called Tsar, which is supposed to be James Bond like, but is kind of boring...

On tap is Food, Inc. and the Lance Armstrong biography by John Wilcoxson.
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I finnished "Horse Soldiers" by Doug Stanton, a great read about SF in the opening campaign against Taliban in Afghanistan post 9/11. Also liked "Seal Warrior" byThomas W. Keith.(Naval special warfare in Veitnam). Both books are excellent reads that gives you an accurate account of what it was like on the ground in these two stories.
Recently finished "The Dark Tower" series by Steven King. Great books. Some of my favorites.

I don't believe I have ever been so enthralled with a series of books and so pissed off at a writer in the same series. When one book ends in the middle of a story with "I may or may not finish this story.":eek: And we had to wait I believe two years for the next book. And then finishes with perhaps the greatest ending ever. What a ride.!!!

Now I am reading Moscow Rules By Daniel Silva. I really enjoy his writing.:thumbup:
Right now "Sharpe's Sword" by Bernard Cornwell. He's written a series on a fictional Lt. Richard Sharpe, 95th Rifles, based on the British campaign against Napoleon's armies on the Spanish Peninsula (1807-14). Very well researched, great characters, lots of intelligent action on and off the battlefield. The BBC picked it up and did a pretty good series starring Sean Bean. :thumbup:

Otherwise, I'm usually reading espionage thrillers and police procedural murder investigations.
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Right now I'm reading Lonesome Dove. I watched the Mini Series in one sitting last week, and I've watched it again since then. Then I realized that I own the book. D'oh
I too have RADD (reader attention deficit disorder).

Which may explain why I had such a hard time with Dune. :foot:

Not that I have to have action at the turn of every page....but sometimes I find myself "wandering off" somewhere else despite reading. :p

Same thing with "All Creatures Great and Small"...and a few others.

Eaters of the dead and 1491. Oh and some archaeological theories about hunter gatherer systems and the purpose of excess.
Just finished "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett

Good read!

I'm finishing "Armageddon in Retrospect," a set of posthumously published essays and short stories by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Excellent stories, most about the human side of WWI, WWII, etc. :thumbup:
Just started "Gone Tomorrow" by Lee Child


I am reading the Tom Clancy's op-center series right know, just finished #4. Also just finished the Sen-Toku Raid by John Mannock, cool book about the UDT's (pre-seal ops) in the philippines at the end of WW2.
Just started "The 47th Samurai" by Stephen Hunter. Just finished "Dirty White Boys" by the same author (Hunter). I've read most of his stuff.

Everything Hunter has written is awesome. From The Master Sniper to Night of Thunder every one is a winner. :thumbup:

I'm in the middle of Rhino Ranch by Larry McMurtry. It's the last installment in the Duane Moore story that started with The Last Picture Show. It's a most excellent series.
