What Books Are You Reading Right Now?

Lots since last posing.

The Quartet - Joseph J Ellis
Founding Fathers - Joseph J Ellis
Diablo Mesa - Preston and Child
The entire Harry Bosch series - very entertaining
Tracing Time - Rock Art on the Colorado Plateau Craig Childs

Many more, I read 1-3 books a week.
Of late I'm more interested in Mt Mitchell and the Black Mountains, so I just finished

A History of Mt. Mitchell and the Black Mountains by S Kent Swartzkopf
Mount Mitchell and The Black Mountains by Tim Silver

Also just started a very pictorial book on Winston Churchill, and just received two more books, one on NC BBQ History, and one (related back to NC Mountain history) called Cabins in the Laurel by Muriel Sheppard.
14, King William Street, Strand, W.C.

Arthur Henry Bullen (1857-1920) was a great editor and publisher, and a specialist in 16th and 17th century literature. I read this fifty years ago when I should have been studying chemistry. Inexpensive reading copies of these old books are hard to find nowadays, but many have been resurrected as e-reader files, and this one is a free download from Project Gutenberg and from Amazon. It pains me to say it, but Amazon's Kindle file is a better copy.

Look Homeward, Angel
Thomas Wolfe

From near the beginning of Section 1:
"Major Pentland rose slowly from his rocker by the fire, folded a large knife, and put the apple he had been peeling on the mantel. Bacchus looked up benevolently from a whittled stick, and Will, glancing up from his stubby nails which he was paring as usual, greeted the visitor with a birdlike nod and wink. The men amused themselves constantly with pocket knives."

The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

The Life of St. Francis of Assisi, by St. Bonaventure

Jesus, King of Love, by Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey

Have you heard of or ever read any of the Great Books of the Western World ~ Saint Francis was a great Saint ~ How about the " City of God " this is a book on Theology as well ~ St. Augustine of Hippo ~

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you."
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us."
"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels."

There is some good reading in them books ~ Great Books of the Western World ~ their usually found in most library's in the "Philosopy Section"
Have you heard of or ever read any of the Great Books of the Western World ~ Saint Francis was a great Saint ~ How about the " City of God " this is a book on Theology as well ~ St. Augustine of Hippo ~

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you."
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us."
"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels."

There is some good reading in them books ~ Great Books of the Western World ~ their usually found in most library's in the "Philosopy Section"
Don't know which books are in that series, but I have probably read a number of them. Will look for it. I have read St. Augustine's City of God. A favourite. One of the most significant books ever written, I think.
Something a bit more lurid and earthly: James Rollins' "Kingdom of Bones." A techno-thriller just filled with more than you'd ever care to know about emergent viruses.
Good-bye, My Lady by James H. Street. A classic tale of boy and his dog. I think this might be classified as a “youth” novel, but it is a great outdoor adventure story set in a Southern swamp. Not that easy to find a copy, but well worth it. I’ll be saving this book for my son when her gets older.
Lots since last posing.

The Quartet - Joseph J Ellis
Founding Fathers - Joseph J Ellis
Diablo Mesa - Preston and Child
The entire Harry Bosch series - very entertaining
Tracing Time - Rock Art on the Colorado Plateau Craig Childs

Many more, I read 1-3 books a week.
Love Bosch series!

I’ve been enjoying this one quite a bit even though it’s not my usual genres.
Kids books mostly. No time for anything else. Trying to convince my children that reading is cool. I made the stickers all over the house with the quotes from this [Spam removed]i don't see a lot of interests in reading from their side. Any tips how do i get my kids involved? They like stories in general, but only when someone reads them.
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Just finished "Kingdom of Bones" by James Rollins, a so-so techno-thriller.

Now reading Vaclev Siml's "How the World Really Works," a truly illuminating look at how deeply we're dependent on technology. Definitely something politicians and policy pundits ought to read before shooting off their mouths.

Also, just started Lincoln Child's newest, "Chrysalis." Another techno thriller, this one by a true master of the genre (and the writing partner of Douglas Preston).
Just read "War on the West" by Douglas Murray, it opened my eyes. I never dreamed in million years how the left is going after me/us. It was a little difficult in spots but toward the end I wanted more. He's British and a lot but not all of his examples are from England, no big deal, he makes his points.
Just finished the " Expanse " series by James Corey.
Wow !!!!
This and David Drakes *Hammers Slammers *
series is as good as military Sci Fi gets !!!!
ReReading * Dune * presently.
R. Austin Freeman, The Famous Cases of Dr. Thorndyke. If you like Sherlock Holmes, you will like Dr. Thorndyke.

I've been on a mystery kick lately. Agatha Christies Hercule Poirot compilation book is on deck.