Recommendation? What do you mask Damascus blades with while etching?

Hey guys,
How do you remove the enamel model paint? Will lacquer thinner work?
Thanks Alan, I will order some of those! Right now I'm in the hospital with the balance part of my inner ear messed up. I hadn't thrown up in almost 20 years but man did that change last night. Hope to be able to go home later this week....
In a previous life I was an electronic repair technician and we used a regular sharpie pen to draw traces on copper clad circuit boards then etch in ferric chloride and it worked perfectly. I don't know how it would work on steel but of copper it's great.
It kind of works on steel. It doesn't protect to the same degree enamel does. I think the etching actually defeats/penetrates it at a certain point, and it wipes right off with the oxides when you clean the blade.
Weird because it works good on copper. Not as good as say a printed template from a laser printer but it got me out of a few tight spots.
I tried it in an agitated bath, that may have made a difference.