What dose SIFU stand for!?!

Welcome to the forums scopegod! My undertsanding is that "Sifu" means teacher and is the term used to refer to an instructor of Chinese Martial Arts. Now I'm not sure in what context it was meant by the folks at REKAT.
Yes, it does mean your direct teacher in the context of Chinese martial arts. However, there is deeper meaning beyond that. It can be literally translated as "Kung Fu Father"

It is a paternal-instructor; one who is your mentor. He is the master of the clan that you pledge allegiance to. Kind of like an alpha wolf.

A close analogy would be like a general, that you serve under in the army, whom you respect and revere.

So think of the REKAT Sifu, as the REKAT General and it will make more sense than REKAT "teacher".

[This message has been edited by Full Tang Clan (edited 02-27-2001).]
You guys are right, it means Teacher, but Bob Taylor calls it the SIFU for a different reason. It stands for Steroid Induced Folding Utility! Well, I think he means for it to mean both, but it is kinda cool. I love my SIFU!
Cool! A double entendre.

The 'roids may disqualify the Sifu from future "Best Megafolder" contests! However, I've heard rumours that the Ralph MADD MAX uses an ephendrine stack!
Check out this thread:

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"To give is a need, to receive is mercy." - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
"Cutting his throat is only a momentary pleasure and is bound to get you talked about." - Lazarus Long
"Knowledge is not made for understanding; it is made for cutting." - Michel Foucault
Thanks every one for the definitions.

My favorite comical one had to be the on from Medusuoblonsate’s thread;
"Sure It's For Utility, officer."
As soon as my Kydex gets here, I’m making a “out in plane sight” sheath for it
scopegod said, he is going to make an "out in plane sight" Kydex sheath. Does that mean you're making it to keep the Sifu visible from airplanes? Sorry, couldn't resist the amusing misspelling.

I was told many years ago in Japan that Sifu literally meant grandmaster. A guide we had in Tokyo called a friend of mine the Sifu of Whiskey, because he drank so much of it and handled it well. Now, when you hear the word grandmaster you think of a rapper. From what I understand, the word has come to mean father or teacher in its common use today, and it is usually used for the chief instructor at a shool today. So, according to the (as I know it) original usage, the REKAT Sifu is the grandmaster of knives. That's a nice translation. According to the new usage, it's the father of knives. I always find it interesting how translations of simple words can be so hard to pin down.