What is the essence of the GSO?

May 7, 2012
I was pondering my knife collection tonight, wondering what direction I want to go with it. What brands I value, why I value them, do I still value them?

I have a couple Guy Seiferd Originals sitting in front of me, a 3.5 from 2013, and one 5.1 from the latest run. Looking at them side by side, handling them, pouring over each detail I am reminded why I originally decided to support Guy in the first place. The chamfers, the finish, the spine, the transition from handle to tang, the primary grind. How the fasteners sit, how well they are machined; everything.

The 5.1 provides testimony to the growth of Guy's skill, which has clearly developed over the past few years. It's a marked improvement. Physical proof to the dedication Guy has, and of how far the GSO line has come since 2013. The quality of the latest offerings are light years ahead of the first runs. He took them to the next level, which was another level above the models like the EDC before.

The first knife is laden with things I would like to improve. The latest, I can only find one small curious spot I might like to alter ever so slightly.

I originally wanted to support Guy because of something he said in an interview, "We are not reinventing the wheel, we just want to make it roll smoother." I loved the concept of his design philosophy. Everything you need and nothing you don't. Executed to the highest level possible, striving for constant improvement. To me, that is the essence of the GSO, the part that if you removed, it would no longer be a GSO.

Later he wrote to me in an email "Hopefully we can help to reignite the spirit that made this country great in the first place." I knew he was headed in a direction I was willing to support.

Before me is the proof Guy is keeping his word, staying true to his goal and I for one can definitely see more GSOs in my future.

What is the essence of the GSO to you?
Great post.
When I first started reading about Guy and the project, I saw a good guy, pursuing his passion.
I liked the clean, minimalist design. Seemed very performance driven, no frills.
Them you start hearing about the performance, and how good the knives are,, then I think "okay, seems to be doing something right "
Then I saw him not getting complacent, pushing the HT of the 3V, not resting on any laurels..
Then the new generation of the 5.1 came out, had the same 'soul' of the previous GSO's, but obviously a big step forward in the performance and ergos, and I had to jump on the train.
When I saw what he was so kind to sell as a 'factory second", I could tell he wasn't in this to make money, he clearly wants only to make the best product he can, period.
Ok,,, too many gin and tonics, off to bed.
Cheers to Guy and Ellie, you guys should be proud.
Essence of the GSO? In a word, "balance".

But I mean more than just the physical balance and ergonomics of an exceptionally well made knife and handle. More than the balance of edge geometry and shape for a given function. It has all that, of course.

I also like that you see S!K striving to make the very best product possible when there is so much demand to deliver more and more, faster than our patience allows. You see that tension creep up now and then, and Guy and Ellie seem to have the right response. I like the way they are available and present in an on-line world, but it is personal. Ellie communicates very well, balancing individual inquiries and group responses. It's really great to watch from the outside, but somehow feel like I'm part of the gang. I could also go on about how, in a knife community with the range of personalities, S!K isn't swayed. You can quickly find other knife maker's, where it seems knives are being made while everyone is pounding drinks (as an example). I have no issue with that at all... but I really appreciate that S!K isn't trying to appeal to someone by becoming something they're not.

I am also into pistols, specifically the 1911. Over in that realm, if you speak of the Wilson Combat, and get to know that product, you see very much the same sort of approach and company ethic (although at the top end of the price range). And they have maintained that balance as the company has grown. I would liken S!K to Wilson Combat, and the GSO product reflects that.

I genuinely hope they also know personal balance in life away from the shop and that this thing does not consume them. I mean that sincerely.
I also like the fact he is always looking to perfect his designs and procedures
The fact that he helped Nathan develop the new HT speaks volumes
In two words survive stands for : always better
A few things stood out to me with the Survive knifes.

1. They are hard as hell to get and when you do get one you pay..... I mean you pay.....

2. Customer service. I love how in touch they are with their customer base!!

3. USA MADE!!!!!!

4. I love my survive family. It is a tight nit group of people. NO DRAMA!!!! God how I love the no drama!!

The essence of GSO is perfection.
The complete package.

Some of the best steel, excellent handle choices, excellent design/edge geometry/ergonomics, nice range of blade lengths and a price that is great for such a quality product.
An elite knife at an affordable price for common folk like me to make our hard earned money go the farthest.
I don't know Guy or Ellie nor have I ever emailed or spoke with them. I know Ellie has a presence here and on FB and provides service which I feel is huge.

My first was a new spec 5.1. Ohh man is this a knife! Fit and finish are great. Edge retention and ergos and excellent. Next came a 10 which is an impressive knife. The 4.7 is a gem like the 5.1. Then came a used 4.1. While a nice knife and one I really like I don't think it's on par with their newer offerings. This tells me they are improving their line and raising the bar on quality. I'm also a US made type of guy.
Thank you all for your replies. I didn't get a chance to follow your link Riz, I will soon. Very busy night. Just wanted to add...

Ellie, I know Guy couldn't be doing what he is without your support and I don't want to go without mentioning it. You deserve recognition as well.
What a great thread. Pretty timely with how the 4.7 thread blew up today. Not nearly as bad as spots outside our forum, but as far as the last few weeks here go.....
Was the wheel rolling quote from an Equip II Endure interview? What a cool quote from your email with Guy.

On a very basic level SURVIVE! is saber grinds and 3v :D

Really though when I think of SURVIVE! I think no-frills, designs made for performance and comfort, best materials and methods possible, best in class out of the box sharpness. Dedication to quality and value.
I'm not quite sure how to word my take on it. You know that feeling you get when you unbox a Survive! blade and things get really quiet? For a few moments you are completely focused on that blade. It will be perfectly fit and finished, and yet, even though a work of art, it is capable. When you unbox a GSO you can tell that it was built by people who pour their heart and soul into what they do, almost as if they leave a little piece of themselves in every blade. I like being a part of that.
I really appreciate how friendly and humble the Survive team is. They can easily act like other companies and treat their customers like crap, but they choose to deal with all of us even when we constantly bug them about hats.
[emoji631]USA made[emoji631]
The materials, quality and comfort far exceed any other brand I have owned in the past plus the price is amazing!
There's also a great sense of security when I carry a GSO that no other company has been able to provide. I like knowing that if I needed to abuse the hell out of my knife in an emergency, it will handle it.