What would you like to see in the 2020 lineup?

I'd take a Bull Jack too. Was hoping the barricuda was close enough, but I like the Bull Jack's blade shape more.
I'm down with the Bulljack as well...
...really would like to see several of those lottery knives made into production line models....like the Bulljack.....the Paradox......and definitely the Rift
Raven please!

I had a green frn Raven A around 2011, it was new in box. Like an idiot I sold it for $140. I still remember to this day....
I'd really really love to any or all of these models made into production line or Signature series knives........what's you guys opinion???
The Rift
The Paradox
The Bulljack
The Roughneck
The Panzer
The Conjurer
The Alley Cat
The Smyte
Love Emerson tantos. The Bulljack was made into a signature series two year ago.


Really happy to see the Sheepdog available as a Mini. There are far too few good knives available for those of us who live in 3" states. It killed me to sell my Sheepdog when I learned that it was illegal to carry here.
thanks for info on the Bulljack ss......I'd like to see the spearpoint version though