What's up with this?

Thanks Mick. I have never met anyone at SOE and don't know them. As a former enlisted I am always happy to see some grunts start a successful company. I hope everyting works out OK for the guys. I'd like to get some more of their gear.

I have lost track of the number of times I have seen the news media embelish a story to make it more interesting or promote their personal political point of view. Sometimes the story is wrong because the writer is just a dumb a$$. It's strange when you read about something you were personally involved in and you just say "what the hell are they talking about!"

Thanks for chiming in Mick. I know that the California media are completely rabid antis. That is a fact. From the reporting, you'd think a whole arsenal was stolen.

One thing... if ARs, for example, were legally obtained but unregistered due to the new legislation, those in possession are going to be busted big time. If they were in preban config, etc. then there will also be fed. weapons violations involved.

A boa constrictor "guarding" the weapons? Jeez.

The thing that really bothers me, however, is that someone on the base is talking to the media, saying that indeed some weapons, etc. were missing. Something just doesn't jibe and that would truly be a shame if SOE gets the dirty end of the stick for someone else's crime. I'd think that if the allegations were true, all assets and business transactions would have been frozen immediately.

If it turns out that SOE is being harassed by the media for merely exercising their RTBA, I'm certainly going to support them by buying as much gear as I can afford. This is a big reasonn why I'm not living in California right now.
I used to work for a radio station. I am not suprised by this at all.


Glad to hear that it is a load of garbage. I love SOEs stuff and
will buy more to support them. I figured you would only do business
with good people.

Mr. Mick

Nice to hear from someone informed on the subject. I did not think there was anybody here "Liberal Enough" to believe the news media. I take some sense of security knowing that they are typically never correct.
The really sad thing is that after the first report there is nothing else said about any of it so I think SOE may have a good liable suit or straight slander...of course I could be wrong. But if I am not then cool for them...@ least they will still have loyal friends to stand by them.
The one thing that really sucks is that the media will never print a story if SOE is found to be in the clear. It doesn't matter to the media if anyone is innocent or guilty, just so long as it grabs headlines.
I want to bring this thread up again to mention I just received my Randall with it's new sheath from SOE. Everything looks great.

Thanks guys.

I went in there one time last year and the guy seemed
allright to me. I was looking for a shotshell harness
and the guy said he could make me one. I hope they're
still around.
you can count on the Clinton News Network and their associates to give you the slant, the whole slant, and nothing but the slant!!! :(
Originally posted by tom mayo
you can count on the Clinton News Network and their associates to give you the slant, the whole slant, and nothing but the slant!!! :(

LOL them along with "BSNBC" (taken from the NRA's 'American Rifleman' mag)
Just curious what ever happened with this?:confused:
For what it's worth...

I ordered a belt from them to 'test the waters' and found that not only was SOE Gear still in business, but they guy I spoke with, John Willis was very helpful. Transaction went well, sounds like it's business as usual.

I spoke with someone @ the NCIS and they didn't hear of a pending investigation on the stolen gear (whew). Read an article earlier in the SD union tribune and e-mailed the author for more info. No response.