When you go hiking, knife or gun?

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No, luckily I dont need a gun on the trail, or off it, unless of course Im hunting. I know there are places in this world where you have to think about defending yourself to a point, that a firearm is a wise choice. Im really glad the woods here where I live is not one of those places.

So, my choice obviously is the knife. That I do always have with me in the woods :)
I always carry a knife when I hike, sometimes depending where I am hiking, I carry either a .357 or a .44 in addition to my knife.
And "move slow."


You have to move slow if you hope to see the woods ninjas. :D

It was great to see my thread blow up to 7 pages, always love a discussion. From what i have read it seems like us Californians think similar, we are in more threat of the local serious gang problems that often lurks in the wonderful nature tagging up rocks, smoking dope, and what not other illegal behavior. In addition to that sometimes we become illegal citizens when we responsible people want to possess a firearm while on our hikes, etc. Although for you peeps who live in 'gun friendly' states, say the same thing but are totally legal to do so, and all i have to say is good for you guys, i hope one day in CA it will be legal to carry while on our hikes or in regular day lives.

Lastly, for the people who live in Europe etc. I can see where you're coming from, no need for a gun probably because it's impossible to even get one, and maybe, maybe no one else has one pertaining to the thugs. And so, animal encounters are rare by means, but i see where you're coming from.

Nevertheless, i know i'm prepared.

I will also like to add that, i think hiking with females has a higher risk. For one, i'm looking for that word, 'accountability' 'liability' i don't have that word. I'm not trying to be sexes but, i had a truck and trailer broken down on the road before, and i got many strange vehicles pulling up and saying ' hey i could drive your wife, girl friend to the gas station etc, ' I'm like yeah right! I'll come back to it.
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I've read quite a bit about gangs/cartels out west setting up pot farms in national forests. The problem has been featured before in publications like Field and Stream. I know my uncles have run up on a pot farm while hunting in Georgia before. They quickly left the scene. In such cases, while a firearm might give you some protection, your best bet is to get out of dodge yesterday. The "caretakers" are likely to be well-armed, and they might not stop to ask if you're having a nice hike or a good hunt.




I lived in CA in the mid and late 60's (was based out of Camp Pendleton in Oceanside) but went back not so long ago to visit an old friend. My how things have changed. I would never want to live there now. Maybe there are some areas that haven't changed.

Political correctness entwined with all out, furiously crazy, gang-bangers and other gangster types. It's a very strange place to an old hippy who went back as an old timer.

I'm caucasian and felt seriously out gunned on the racial scene as well. I don't consider myself racist at all. But, I couldn't NOT notice, especially when catching a ride from LAX to a Hotel before renting a car and driving up North. It got a little mellower up north, but I used to love to walk the streets of LA and San Diego, go and play the dog races in Tiajuana.

Those days are long past for this old timer though. :(
From what i have read it seems like us Californians think similar, we are in more threat of the local serious gang problems that often lurks in the wonderful nature tagging up rocks, smoking dope, and what not other illegal behavior.


From what Ive read, I definately can see the need for a firearm in many parts of the world.

Just out of curiosity, I looked up the population density in the state of California; its roughly 90/km2, where as in Finland its 15/km2. In California alone, there are 7 times more people than in our whole country. For example, when im out hiking, seeing anyone at all in the woods is a rare occasion.
I think these guys are happy they had a pistol vs. a bear.

I think these guys are happy they had a pistol vs. a bear.


Firing the pistol worked to deter the bear's charge. If it had not he had more heavy caliber rounds to defend with. Great job.:thumbup:
I always carry both.

If I'm remote area's I carry a mid weight .357. If I'm on the Border I carry a 10mm in addition to my hunting rifle

I always carry a knife.
Yes Marijuana grows are increasing steadily in the US. Most of the one's that I have encountered the inhabitants were not armed except maybe with a .22 rifle for 'hunting' and last ditch self defense. In my area most of the persons that work grows are illegals who are brought on site that have no idea where they are and are either threatened or promised some type of refuge if they spend x amount of time (usually one season) on the grow. Outside of the INTL Border the trends have been increasingly violent though and it is something to keep your eyes open for. Some major signs of grows are excessive irrigation materials in remote area's like hoses. (know that gold prospectors use similar equipment and many grow materials are stashed with a sluice to be used as a cover) The garden must have a steady water supply to be successful. Growing season in the SW is from plant around april-may till harvest between august-september time frames. The plants are unmistakable. Generally if the people working the grow spot people they will leave or hide in the general vicinity. Most people will not realize that they have entered the garden and will walk right through it. They are generally dirty and will look wild and unkempt and to the average hiker will look like squatters. They tend to be non violent because it will certainty bring law enforcement into the area and burn their grow. If you encounter one leave the area immediately and report to forest service or your local police department.

My .02

I've read quite a bit about gangs/cartels out west setting up pot farms in national forests. The problem has been featured before in publications like Field and Stream. I know my uncles have run up on a pot farm while hunting in Georgia before. They quickly left the scene. In such cases, while a firearm might give you some protection, your best bet is to get out of dodge yesterday. The "caretakers" are likely to be well-armed, and they might not stop to ask if you're having a nice hike or a good hunt.




does anyone on here carry a rifle when out trekking? i borrowed a M1 carbine off a friend when i was up in alaska in case of a bear (i'm not a citizen yet so dont carry pistols)...or do most find a rifle too extreme/heavy when out for a decent trek through the woods?
It sounds extreme but in truth we really have the odds against us when we go out for a 'routine' hike. But the truth, is like many of you say just be prepared on your personal beliefs on what to bring.
I think out, out in the boonies a shotgun or rifle on a sling is a great idea. For instance, i would'nt mind a shotgun if i were out in mammoth hiking miles away from town. And it's legal to open carry.
This is a picture of the area I hike in. As you can see it's pretty remote and I'm not about to hike it unarmed.
Typically, when you find me outdoors, I'm making a hunting trip out of it one way or another. If nothing is in season, I'm hunting non-game species at that time, so I'll usually have a projectile weapon of some sort.

When I speak of projectile weapon, that means I may have one or more of the following:
.22LR Handgun
.44Magnum handgun
.44Magnum lever action
.444Marlin lever action
.22WMR rifle
12ga shotgun
recurve bow

If it's bow season, I'll have my bow and now in ND we can carry a sidearm for self defense as we have confirmed MOUNTAIN LIONS over almost the entire state. We have a regular season them and if they are east of the Missori River, they are up to no good as far as G&F is concerned, so there is no limit! West of the Missouri there is a quota of EIGHT per year total! So once G&F has confirmed the eighth kill for a season, that area closes.

Otherwise, I'll typically have a rifle or shotgun of some sort for hunting and one of my sidearms. Sometimes I'll have just one of the sidearms, but that is only if I don't want the hassle of carrying a rifle/shotgun along.
"i think i will not be able to successfully draw my G26 out of wherever i carry it and fire my weapon in case of an attack. For one, i will not even see the mountain lion coming to attack me, and second if i get a shot off i would probably miss."
So why do you carry? Incompetent, unskilled people should not carry--they are a danger to themselves and any body around them. If you can't or will not use a firearm sell it before you get hurt.
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