Where is Jerry!?

Jun 29, 2002
Where is he!? He did say 9:30-10:30 Eastern, didn't he?

My girlfriend is getting impatient!
I think the invisible lurking infihogs got him.
He is duct taped to a chair and grinder and they are dangling CBL in front of him.........
Just kidding. Don't come kill me or anything. He is always late to these things. Just go on about your business. You shouldn't let him dictate what you do. Just go home folks, nothing here to see.
I was getting sick of Grad school anyway. At least I have a good reason for flunking out of business law...

I couldn't study.. I was waiting for a knife!
My wife is outta whine and the store closes in an hr. She also has one of my Busse's and asking how much blood thinner I'm taking. Getting nervous.

Whenever he is late like this I always like to think he is standing in front of the grinder, grinding up something so cool he can't tear himself away to meet his previously scheduled obligations. Something huge and thick but very slicey and coated with unmentionably tough coating.

In reality he is probably laughing at us while enjoying a brew, but I like to think the other.
Originally posted by Citori
Whenever he is late like this I always like to think he is standing in front of the grinder, grinding up something so cool he can't tear himself away to meet his previously scheduled obligations. Something huge and thick but very slicey and coated with unmentionably tough coating.

In reality he is probably laughing at us while enjoying a brew, but I like to think the other.

Yep, I like Jerry as much as the next person but I've gotta take options 2 on this one ;)
Kind of a bummer, have to leave for a bit. I fear that I know the outcome.. I will come back to the computer and find a 6 page thread of "Woo Hooo, I got one!!"
My girlfriend just threatened to take a Tali-Whacker to Jerry's taliwacker if he doesn't hurry up!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: