Which Leatherman is your favorite?

Feb 3, 2001
I've had several multi Tools, Gerbers, Leathermans, Shrades, but for some reason I always come back to the Leatherman.

My all time favorite is the Super Tool, I like the fact that it has a ruler, I like the fact that the pliers are bigger and come with crimpers.

Out of all the leathermans out there which is your favorite?
T. Erdelyi said:
I've had several multi Tools, Gerbers, Leathermans, Shrades, but for some reason I always come back to the Leatherman.

My all time favorite is the Super Tool, I like the fact that it has a ruler, I like the fact that the pliers are bigger and come with crimpers.

Out of all the leathermans out there which is your favorite?

which out doubt,wave is the top of the line......it is smaller and had scissor...super tool is too big...btw,mini tool is gd due to i like a smaller leatherman.
I think the Super Tool 200 is best. It is big enough, all the others are too small. I carry it with me everyday.
The Wave hit the sweet spot for me, although I've been eyeing a Super Tool 200. Of course, once the ChargeTi comes out, i'll have to try it out to see if it will hit my sweet spot even harder.
Although I really love the Wave, I am most comfortable with the Pulse. I find it easier to work with and it handles most of the jobs I'd use my Wave for. :)
I have both the Wave and XE-6 Juice. I like the Wave the best but I find the scissors better on the Juice.
ST200-hard to go back to the smaller ones, even the Wave when you use the pliers alot. The ST200 has comfortable handles that are longer, and give greater leverage, making it much easier to use. The other LM models can't compare to it.
I'd like to try a Pulse, but will probably just hold out for a Blast when available.
i have several others, but the sideclip is the favorite. light, compact and clipable!

I like my ORIGINAL Supertool - I also have the new ST200, but I find it a little too bulky.

My current carry is the Pulse - I really like the compact size and locking tools.
How many of you folks actually use the ruler on the original and Super Tool, when I got the wave I thought it was great till I needed to crimp a wire, measure a piece of pipe, or use the unlocking screwdriver.

Anyone who has to use the tool for a living will have to agree, the Supur Tool is one of the best for an EDC work envirorment.
I dont use my LM as heavily , so the Wave works good for me. Before that I was using a Gerber 400,no complaints there,either.
I prefer my Wave because I can open the blades without opening the tool first. Both of the knife blades can be opened one handed and of course that's a big advantage. I also like the good working scissors.

I also own a Supertool 200. Great tool and undoubtedly more suitable for heavy duty. But for me the lighter Wave is by far the best EDC tool. Can't wait till I get my hands on a Charge Ti! ;)
Wave is my favorite multi tool edc. The original supertool is second on my favorites list. I prefer the wave because you can access the blades without opening the tool.
Mine is the original Super Tool. Followed closely by the Micra which I carry on my key ring every day.
I will repeat the same thing that I say on every EDC thread. People are probably tired of hearing it from me by now...;)

I carry a Juice S2 for work, and it is definitely my favorite. It really hits the sweet spot for size and features with the light office/computer/lab work that I do. I have tried smaller pliers-based tools, and all of them were inadequate for me. The V'nox options, like the Cybertool, are a cool design but aren't optimized for what I do.

The S2 is large enough that the pliers work well, but small enough that it fits comfortably in a pocket. The blade and scissors are on the outside for easy access. The screwdrivers are the size that I use most and are good quality. Everything I need, and nothing I don't need.

Like every product, there is room for improvement with the S2. I haven't found anything else that works better for me though.
Mine used to be the Sideclip because it had the things I needed, was small and lightweight, and had a clip. Well I felt it wasn't sturdy enough for the stuff I do at work so I went looking for a sturdier model. I bought the Pulse and love it. New EDC multi (besides my Vic Tinker) and it is solid and strong, perfect for me ;)
I use a Juice Pro that I got at Costco. For the computer, copier, printer and other equipment I fix at work it is perfect. I keep it in the leather sheath on my belt and unlike the larger models (wave, ST200 etc) it doesn't poke at me.

I don't think it'd be all that great for hard use but it does anything I throw at it with ease.

Neko2 said:
I keep it in the leather sheath on my belt and unlike the larger models (wave, ST200 etc) it doesn't poke at me.
I had the same problem with my LM Wave until I converted the sheath to horizontal carry (converted at the local shoe repair shop).
enkidu said:
I had the same problem with my LM Wave until I converted the sheath to horizontal carry (converted at the local shoe repair shop).
Oooooh, I never even thought about that.

Thanks for the idea. Now maybe I can carry the supertool :D
