Winkler Operator- initial impressions


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2008
I have a Belt Knife that has become one of my favorite knives and I keep looking at other Winkler designs. Finally got the Operator after much hemming and hawing.

Being in the Army Guard (and a knife nut), I keep thinking about a small fixed blade in case of deployment. My go to knives are the Swamp Rat Bandicoot and the Belt knife. Here they are together...

On top of the Bandicoot...

Note the thickness, tips and tapered tangs on the Winklers. The 'Coot is 3/16" thick...the Winkler's are thicker, but the Operator is markedly lighter than the other two.

I will say out of the box, my first thoughts were- "This is one small knife and how can it stand up in a demanding environment?" I had serious thoughts I could break this knife..until I started to use it.

The tip is tough! As I started to use it, I found my fears were unfounded...this thing is durable.

I did some basic cutting tasks to get a feel for it and also wanted to challenge it by batoning.

The handle is attractive...

So with a little use I found the 1st impressions were deceiving. It's a tough little cuss!

It has me thinking about it's role. While it is a small package really with the leather sheath-

It got me wondering about a taco kydex sheath as an extremely light weight, last ditch blade. I thought the Bandicoot was a small, minimalist blade- but it feels tank like next to the Operator. On one hand, the role of a fixed blade in today's military is quite limited...on the other hand, it's important to have a knife you have confidence in if you are going to bother to carry more than a folder. I have absolute faith in the Belt Knife and Swamp Rat and a growing confidence in the Operator. I should add I am no door kicker by any stretch, I'm in Behavioral Health and old. That being said, I obviously love me some knives and want good tools.

I used to practice martial arts regularly until marriage and children made it impossible, but I still do some drills a couple times a week and have worked the Operator into them. It is a fast, lightweight blade, faster than the 'Coot or the Belt knife. It is harder for me to use in the reverse grip due to the narrow handle up front. I do think it's partial preference for me for a wider grip but also because my pinky is messed up and the grip is weaker as a result. I also wonder how much the decreased mass will impact it during a slash. I'm going to need to come up with a decent test to explore that question.

Here are a couple more pics with folders too...I guess I like my knives stabby! :) But you can really get a sense of how small and narrow the knife is. "Tactical steak knife" comes to mind...

I plan to make this an ongoing review like I did with the Belt Knife, so these are just some first thoughts. if you have an idea for testing this, please feel free to add them in a comment.

Seems to be almost nothing out there on this knife and I wanted to get a little information circulated. I'll add more as I spend more time with it.
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Nice review! Thanks for sharing. Anyway we could get a pic with the sheath on your belt in a couple of positions? It looks a tad bulky, but probably really isn't.
Thanks guys. :thumbup:

I'll get photos done for my next update. You are right though, the sheath is smaller and more compact than it appears.
Here are few more pics and thoughts...

The sheath as requested-

And comparision pics of sheaths...note the kydex sheath of the Bandicoot. A taco sheath with this Winkler would be very compact.

I was prepping some pork and thought I would use it. I've worked on the edge and it's a good cutter.

Then, I tried a snap cut, slash and a light stab. I was very surprised how much it opened up the meat. especially with the snap cut because the blade is so light. Took nothing to open up the meat an inch deep or so...

Tried the same with the Belt Knife and it was more aggressive...I figure mostly from the added mass...and maybe the sweep of the blade.

I continue to drill with it and am enjoying the Operator. I'm still not convinced it would be what I carry with me in a deployment vs. the 'Coot or the Belt Knife, but more time and use may change that.

It does make me think of threads I read where people like pilots ask for a small fixed blade suggestion- for a extremely light and compact knife, this is awfully impressive.

To be continued...
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I have admires the Operator since its intro and enjoyed your typically insightful review.
I also have a bandicoot that I like, but the blade comparison I was most curious about is to that similar sized Spartan you reviewed a few years ago (the Phrike - the 4" bladed model with partial scale inserts). Other than obvious differences in handle how do the compare?
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Spartan? Huh...there was a period a few years ago I was drinking more, but I sure don't every remember owning a Spartan!

;) :D

I joke...weren't me...but I like eying up a few of their models...although I struggle with s35v.

The Bandicoot is an interesting knife, no? I remember somebody describing it as part knife, part ice-pick and part pry bar. Seems about right to me!
Right (oops, brain fart on my part). That was Mistwalker. I guess I have enjoyed reviews from both of you in the past and you both seem to cover similar ground - for some reason there is always food involved ;)
Still curious about the comparison, but will have to remain unanswered for now...
thanks again for your review!
Hah! Mist clearly cooks way better than me!

Thanks though, I hope folks get a thing or two from a write up. I'm happy with how a couple of the pics came out.
Have a bit more to add...

For starters- there's a new knife added to the mix. Got this Street Barong made by JW Bensinger last week and it's a wicked blade.

You can see the difference size wise of with the other knives. Looks massive next to the operator.

This is a two ply cardboard box..about 3"x 3" I practiced slashing cuts and stabs with all the knives.

Just to get a feel...

I'll tell you the barong is just insane. It was going through the cardboard like a laser. You can tell by the weight and balance that it's going to be devastating in hand...then I started cutting and was amazed. The barong just flew through the material. The others all cut well...and are just a bit different. The operator for example is just lightning fast in the hand and a stabbing/jabbing machine.

After working over the box, I did a stab test. I placed two layers of cardboard over a paperback book and gave a healthy stab at about 75% strength...more a couple of times.

They got to page:

Bandicoot- page 261

Belt Knife- page 262

Barong- 378

Operator- 381

Even though the Operator made it a little deeper, the Barong made a much wider channel...towards the end the Operator was a pin hole...obvious given the blade shapes, but worth noting. The results were interesting to me though! In my review of the Belt knife, it just destroyed the blades I put it against. The 'Coot did better than I thought it would though and felt very secure in hand. In fact, the 'Coot and Barong felt the best/most secure in hand and allowed me to generate more force because of the secure grip they provided.

Just a couple other points..wanted to try and capture a pic of the tapered tang of the Operator because it is so thin it amazes me. Best I could do is this next to a dime...

Do have some more thoughts, but a thunderstorm is rolling in, so time to get off line!
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Great job.... I've always been attracted to this blade and that leather sheath......I love the sheath and the choices it provides..... Appreciate the time you've spent sharing your thoughts with us and future posts too!!!
Again, great job and tanxšŸ˜‰!!!
No matter how.long ago you did this!šŸ¤”
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This is one of the few decent reviews of the Operator out there. Old, but very well done. I own several Winklers and love them. The Operator is on my short list.
I have a Crusher Belt knife and am considering an Operator.
If anyone has a Belt Knife and an Operator would you post a pic of them side by side with their spines together please? Iā€™m trying to get a feel for the length compared to the Belt Knife.
In a separate pic Iā€™d like to see their thicknesses compared.
And any input anyone has for the Operator would be appreciated.
Thank you so much!