Winner chosen - Lend a Hand GAW


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2014
Well the holiday season is upon us once again. If you're anything like me, you spend plenty of cash on yourself throughout the year, especially being in this addictive hobby. To promote the spirit of giving, I would like to offer a give away.

There are so many in need all around us. Many of us have neighbors that don't have enough food to feed their families. This is a good time of the year to pause, take a look around, and offer a hand to someone who could use some help.

It could be a family or neighbor you know, your local food bank, a homeless shelter, a veteran's charity, a missionary who's doing some good, disaster relief, etc. You pick.

To enter I ask that you do 2 things: 1) make a donation to help someone (either your time or your $), in any amount, and 2) post up that you're in. No proof necessary, just your word, and you need not disclose the amount. If you want to share a story or highlight a charity you like, that might be cool but not necessary.

I'll run this a couple weeks at least, depending on interest. The winner will be chosen by post # with a random # generator.

So...with that said, I'm offering a custom from one of BF's very own, Adam Vigil. This is a New York Sneak model in AEB-L with a sweet hollow grind. It has seen some light kitchen use, but is pretty much like new. It will come razor sharp.


Thanks for participating. Let's do some good!

I have to figure out where I am going to donate, but I am definitely in on this. I will update after I have actually earned my entry.
I already know to which charity group I will donate to (again) and will enter when I have done so.

Great idea for a GAW, Mark! Everyone who joins is a winner already in my book!
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If you don't mind, rather than putting my entry in that first post slot, I'll put my real entry here.

I decided to give my donation to Charity United. It is actually a charity that was started by a friend of mine. The original name was Winter Clothes for Refugees. It started when my friend just couldn't take watching the refugee children freezing in the Mediterranean any more, so she bought a bunch (like containers) of winter clothes, quit her job, and took them to Europe. Then she started raising donations to buy more. Then things expanded. It has been neat to watch the change one person can work when they decide they just can't stand aside any longer. I have given to her in the past, and I decided that this was something I wanted to highlight here.

Here is her website:
I'm in, what a great idea for a GAW. We typically donate at this time of year, so I will so I will bump up some of our donations in honor of this thread.

One of my favorite charities is called Corazon. It is organized through our church. We get a group of people and go down to the poorest part of Tijuana. And in one day we tear down what passes for a home, usually it is boxes, pallets and blue tarps and build a modest but functional home. It gives a family a leg up and pride that can not be described. It feels really good to do something with your hands and see what an impact it makes.
Great idea for a giveaway.
A little reminder to be mindful of those in need. We donate to animal rescue groups and childrens hospitals all year. This month, I will make a more personal effort to help one of my neighbors. If I win, please give it to the newest BF member who enters. Thanks!!
Does it count if I pass out bottled water and any cash I have on me to the homeless gentleman that stands underneath the traffic light right outside my place of employment?
In. I'm really proud that this community is like this. I normally avoid bragging about things when I help someone less fortunate bc it's not something special, it should all do whenever we can. In this case I will share my story so perhaps someone else can see and think to do something too. A few weeks back, right before thanksgiving I was at Walmart with a buddy, and it's not in a great neighborhood. I live in a city with a large homeless population, so finding a down on his luck gentleman standing outside asking for help wasn't out of the ordinary. All I asked was if he was hungry, then I took him inside and grabbed a bunch of resealable foods like jerkey, some crackers, etc. It's not a lot, but I try to do what I can when I have free cash.
Well the holiday season is upon us once again. If you're anything like me, you spend plenty of cash on yourself throughout the year, especially being in this addictive hobby. To promote the spirit of giving, I would like to offer a give away.

There are so many in need all around us. Many of us have neighbors that don't have enough food to feed their families. This is a good time of the year to pause, take a look around, and offer a hand to someone who could use some help.

It could be a family or neighbor you know, your local food bank, a homeless shelter, a veteran's charity, a missionary who's doing some good, disaster relief, etc. You pick.

To enter I ask that you do 2 things: 1) make a donation to help someone (either your time or your $), in any amount, and 2) post up that you're in. No proof necessary, just your word, and you need not disclose the amount. If you want to share a story or highlight a charity you like, that might be cool but not necessary.

I'll run this a couple weeks at least, depending on interest. The winner will be chosen by post # with a random # generator.

So...with that said, I'm offering a custom from one of BF's very own, Adam Vigil. This is a New York Sneak model in AEB-L with a sweet hollow grind. It has seen some light kitchen use, but is pretty much like new. It will come razor sharp.


Thanks for participating. Let's do some good!

I'm in. Thanks and great idea for increasing interest in donating time/money.
This is a really cool idea. I'm in. This past Saturday a group of guys that I ride with and I put on a toy run for local underprivileged kids (small rural county). Later this month we are inviting the kids and their families to a dinner where the toys will be passed out by Santa with lots of extra food for the families to take home. This is actually a project we collect money for all year.
I'm in for this. I'm heading to Colorado in January to volunteer with an organization called Bamidbar Wilderness Therapy at Ramah in the Rockies. It's a Jewish wilderness therapy program operating at a summer camp where I used to work, and met my wife to be. They are opening in 2 months and I'm going to do some site setup and volunteer training. The camp itself had a fire this last summer that destroyed the dining hall, office and trip packout room where I used to work. The setup part pays a couple hundred bucks which I have asked them to donate back to these two organizations. I'll post up a link where people can donate if they would like. This place game me my career, my family, and the life I have today. I'd give back anything I could to help them.

Donate yourself here:
Thanks to those that have participated so far. I'll give this til the 17th at the latest. Will wrap it up mid-week or so if there's no more interest.
Donated to our local food bank. The demand on them gets more and more each year, unfortunately, but they are there religiously and make it happen for our community week in and week out.

Got to donate to them twice... after the initial donation, I ran into my neighbor at the supermarket. He was working the food bank donation table at the front of the store. Good folk there.

I'm in, this Vigil piece looks too much like the old Boguszewski Spike to pass up!
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of money that I can donate, but if $10 is enough I'm buying a donate to a local food bank from my work. If it doesn't count, s'all good still. I was wanting to donate to them anyway.
Im in, We've been donating clothes to St Vincent depauls every year and already did so this year. Usually around black Friday Walmart has lots of sales on coats so we pick a half dozen out to give to St V.

The same organization helps people keep their electricity on in the winter.

This is very generous of you OP. I appreciate the opportunity. Hope everyone has a nice Christmas