Winter Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous

Jul 30, 1999
I firmed up the dates for the Winter Hammer-In & Knifemakers Rendezvous at my shop in New Braunfels. It will be Jan. 14-16, 2000. This will probably be the first one held anywhere in the new Millennium, a true historic event.

To help everyone watching the demonstrations and classes be able to see better, we're adding video cameras and monitors at the forge and on the belt grinders. These will be portable and can be switched to different
classes as needed. This should eliminate some of the crowded conditions we've experienced in the past with everyone trying to get on the front row, and the folks in the back getting blocked views. As far as I know,
this is also a first for any Hammer-In.

So far two additional guest instructors have been lined up. Ron Newton, from Arkansas, that's doing some great folder work, as well as his traditional damascus Bowies. Also Bill Ruple, from Charlotte, Texas makes some of the cleanest Trapper and Stockman multi-blade folders of anyone I've seen. Bill also plays a pretty mean guitar! Both he and Ron do exceptional file work also. There will also be a surprise instructor on Friday for a single afternoon class. By popular demand, Roger Green has been invited back, and Harvey Dean and I will be filling in the blanks and playing gopher for the weekend.

January will be here before we know it, so make your plans early and don't miss this special event. If you aren't on my mailing list, be sure and contact me for an application.

Johnny Stout Handmade Knives

Johnny Stout
If it's anything like the ones of the past it will be a very rewarding expierence. I attented the hammer-in held 2 weeks ago, and one thing that I have to say is that there is a lot of knowledge given and received by all who attend. Thanks to Johnny, Harvey, and Roger over the past few years my blades have improved greatly. And I plan on being there to learn more. As they say a knife is a learning experience, or was that life is a learning experience. Oh well - same same.

Curtis Wilson -
Wilson's Custom Knives, Engraving, and Scrimshaw